
Free Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan

Book: Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeline Sheehan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
Deuce, my body loved Deuce.  Loved, loved, loved, loved…  I loved Deuce.
    “Baby,” He groaned, fisting my hair, pulling on it painfully.  “Fuuu-ck…me…”
    He exploded and I took it all, whimpering desperate greedy little whimpers, already wanting more.  I wanted to own this man’s body, this man’s innate sexuality; I wanted to own this man.
    I stared up at him through my wet lashes, trembling, my body quaking under the onslaught of need.  For him.
    “Eva baby, fuck, do you know what you fuckin’ do to me?” He bent down to cup my cheeks and ran the pad of his thumbs over my fluttering eyelids.
    “You make me insane,” I breathed.  God, he so did. 
    "Babe," He rasped, "Yeah."
    Scooping me up, he carried me to his black leather couch and stripped me naked, divested himself of his jeans and bent me over the arm of the couch.  He settled himself between my legs, lifted my hips and leaned down over me.  His chest pressed against my head, his stomach rubbed against my back and his growing erection was pushing into me .
    We were blessedly bared to one another.  We were skin on skin. 
    Your mother holds you skin on skin when you enter this world, feeds you with her own body; skin on skin.  Your father runs his fingers over your tear streaked cheek, presses his lips to your forehead; skin on skin.  You make love, skin on skin, with a man you love, a beautiful man.  And then, if you’re lucky, your own baby will enter this world and you’ll hold her, skin on skin.  Feed her with your own body, skin on skin.  It’s a magical thing.
    Nothing compares.
    "Gonna fuck you now baby."
    "Yes please," I whispered.
    He pushed inside of me and my breath caught.   He withdrew and pushed back in, this time harder, this time going further.  I whimpered.
    "Babe,” He rasped.  “So goddamn tight.”
    “Only you,” I breathed.  “No one else since you.”
    He sucked in a breath.  “Christ, Eva.  What the fuck did I do to deserve you?”
    "You're you," I whimpered.
    He pulled out and again pushed in.  We both groaned. 
    "God damn your fuckin' body, so fuckin' hot baby."
    He pulled out again and again pushed in a little further.  I pushed back trying to take him deeper.
    "So fuckin' sweet and wantin’ an asshole like me."
    His hips swiveled, grinding into me, causing me to moan.  He did this four more times before pulling away and thrusting roughly.  It was all I needed.  My body blossomed for him, stretched and spread, allowing him to seat himself fully inside of me. 
    "Not carin’ that I got shit to give you, you just wantin’ me for me and not the club and not the fuckin’ money, just straight up wantin’ me.”
    He pulled out and slammed back inside of me.  I dug my fingernails deep into the leather and cried out.
    “Fuck me,” He rasped, his hips pumping back and forth, in and out of me, excruciatingly slow. “You fuckin’ show up out of nowhere, lying, saying you were in the neighborhood and standin’ in my office wearing my old man’s tag, always wearing my old man’s tag and drop straight to your fuckin’ knees.”
    He stilled and I squirmed until his fingertips bit painfully into the skin on my hips and held me still.  "You want it hard baby?” He whispered.  “Or you want it slow?” 
    "Hard,” I breathed.
    "Yeah," He said gruffly.  "You want me to own you don't you baby?  You been waitin' for me to own you for a long time now, haven't you?"
    Oh my god, my heart was going to explode; I wanted this man so bad.  I wanted him to own me. All of me.  Every. Single. Inch. 
    I shuddered with need, "Yes, Deuce." 
    "Sweet fuckin' girl," He rasped and thrusted hard and deep.
    "Sweet and beautiful."  He thrust again, harder.
    "Please," I moaned.  “More.”
    He gripped my hips.  "Anything you want darlin'.  Anything you fuc kin’ want."
    “You,” I whispered.  “All I want is you.”
    “Fuck,” He muttered.  “Fuck.”
    Then he gave me everything I

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