Take Me 01 - Love Me

Free Take Me 01 - Love Me by Bella Andre

Book: Take Me 01 - Love Me by Bella Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Andre
give her back what he'd taken from her the night before when he'd been completely out of control, he needed to give her the most important thing of all.
    His trust.
    The question was, could he do it?

Chapter Eleven

    There was so much going on in that head of his.
    Too much.
    “Sex doesn't have to be this complicated, Luke,” she said softly.
    Wanting to help him, she reached for his hands and pulled him down to his knees in front of her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pressed her lips to his forehead, to his cheekbones, to his chin.
    Saving the best for last, she pressed her lips to his mouth. All the while, emotion was building up from way down deep in her belly, from the center of her heart, and even though she knew what was coming, even though she knew she shouldn't say it again, she simply couldn't stop herself.
    “I love you.”
    She could feel his breath against her lips, his heart beating against her chest. And then he was kissing her again, and she was pulling off his T-shirt and unzipping his jeans.
    His erection was hard and thick and hot against her naked skin.
    “Take me, Luke.”
    In one slow thrust he sheathed himself inside her and she gasped at how full, how complete she felt. She was still sensitive from their lovemaking the night before, but instead of pain she felt the deepest pleasure she'd ever known. Without even a thin layer of latex between them, she felt truly connected to him.
    As connected as he'd let her get.
    Luke was sitting back on his shins cradling her body above his. His tongue played with hers, his hands cupped the curve of her ass, the light dusting of hair on his chest tickling her erect nipples as she rocked against him.
    Part of her wanted to stay like this forever, but the other part that desperately wanted to ride his hard shaft until they were both crying out in pleasure couldn't be ignored. Using the muscles in her legs, she lifted herself off of his long shaft until only the tip of his head still remained inside, then sank down on him again, as far she could go.
    He pulled back from their kiss and captured her gaze.
    She couldn't read his expression, apart from the clear desire he felt for her.
    She could feel tears coming again. Dammit, why was she crying every single time they had sex? Why couldn't she just concentrate on how good it felt? On the fact that every one of her sexual fantasies about Luke was coming true?
    Ducking her head so that he wouldn't see—even though he already knew she loved him and really, what more was there to give to him?—she was surprised to feel the back of his hand beneath her chin tilting her face back up.
    “How can you love me?”
    His words were a raw whisper. She was surprised by the depth of pain beneath them, by the fact that he didn't seem to know just how wonderful he really was.
    Their bodies still entwined in the most elemental of ways, she raised her hands to his face to run her fingertips over his lips, his jaw, his eyebrows. “Well, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen, for one.”
    But when he frowned, she knew now wasn't the time for teasing, for easy lines she could feed to any guy.
    “I love you because you're good.”
    Lost in her emotions, she unconsciously shifted her weight on him and as his thick shaft somehow slid in even deeper, on a gasp of pleasure she said, “I love you because you're honest.”
    Her nerves endings were on fire, not just at the tips of her breasts, not just between her legs, but also the ones inside her chest, where everything she felt for Luke began and ended.
    “I love you because you always took care of my sister and I always knew she was safe with you.”
    The tears were falling now, along with spirals of incredible pleasure which were rippling all across her skin. There was nothing she could do to stop either of them.
    “I love you, Luke,” she finally whispered in a voice that shook from the powerful sensations taking her over, body and soul, “because of

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