Mating the Red Wolf: (Book 10, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

Free Mating the Red Wolf: (Book 10, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) by E A Price

Book: Mating the Red Wolf: (Book 10, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
    “I will not force her into an arranged marriage,” replied Harold Jr. roughly.  “I am the Alpha, and I said to drop it.”
    “And I control the family money and deserve a say in how things are run,” she said with some relish.
    A flash of irritation marred his features.  “Excuse me,” he hissed, before walking out of the room stiffly.
    Christine gave everyone a small smile, before corralling her sons and following her mate.
    Marie flashed a triumphant smile before she let out a sigh of displeasure when Judy told her it was time for her medication.  She grumbled as Judy led her out the room.
    Harold Sr. excused himself to start closing up the house and Marguerite went off in search of the staff.
    Kim let out a long breath.  Good lord!  They’d seemed so normal yesterday.  Had everyone had a personality transplant overnight?
    Ed gave her an apologetic smile while Jonathan got up to pour himself a glass of whiskey.  He raised his glass.  “Welcome to the family, Kim.  Take my advice, start drinking now.”
    Kim tried to make herself invisible behind a huge, overhanging plant.  She wasn’t exactly the best at hide-and-seek - the game wasn’t designed for six-foot she-wolves.  But Jamie insisted both she and Ed play, and given that vicious torrents of rain and wind were now pelting against the house, they were happy to do anything to distract the pups.  At that moment, Ed and Jamie were counting and would come looking for her any second.
    Kim pushed herself against the wall as she heard voices coming her way.  She considered whether she should jump out and shout boo at them.  Jamie loved that, and it always sent her into fits of giggles.
    She froze as she realized the voices didn’t belong to Jamie or Ed.  She sniffed and groaned inwardly as she scented Jonathan and Jennifer. She spent a couple of seconds agonizing over whether she should duck out of her hiding spot or just stay where she was and hope they didn’t see her.  They were already pretty close, and she would most likely startle them if she did leap out.
    “I’m sorry to put you in this position, it’s just that I can’t talk to Arthur anymore,” murmured Jennifer.
    “It’s fine,” replied Jonathan smoothly, “jackass doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you.”
    Kim closed her eyes and prayed to become invisible.  It would be weird if she just suddenly appeared now.
    Jennifer grunted.  “Maybe if he did know, I wouldn’t need to be with you.”
    “Anytime you need me, you know where I am.  Don’t let my family push you around, you’re far too good for us.”
    “Thank you, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
    Kim heard the sound of a kiss and then retreating footsteps in opposite directions.  She tensed as Jonathan passed her, but thanked her lucky stars that he just kept on going.
    When she was sure they were gone, she stumbled out of her hiding spot.  Yeesh, what the heck was that about?
    “Found you!”
    Kim jumped as Jamie threw herself at her, and wrapped herself around Kim’s legs.
    “You weren’t even trying to hide!” complained Jamie, giving her a disapproving look.
    Ed chuckled as he sauntered towards them.  “Yeah, Kim, you have to play properly.”
    Kim gave him the stink eye and considered telling him about what she just saw, but thought better of it. 
    Instead, she pulled Jamie to her feet.  “So, who else have you found?”
    “No one,” Jamie told her excitedly.
    “Then let’s go get them!”
    Jamie squealed and set off with Kim and Ed trailing after her.
    The conversation between Jonathan and Jennifer was probably nothing, and it was none of her business anyway.  She should just forget she heard anything.
    Kim settled back into Ed’s arms and ignored the flickering lights.  It was late, and all the pups had gone to bed.  The adults, or at least everyone over the age of 18 with the exception of the house staff George and Ethel, were in the living room. 

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