The Mission

Free The Mission by Fiona Palmer

Book: The Mission by Fiona Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Palmer
arch monument with two coffees in his hand. She nearly didn’t recognise him in his school uniform.
    ‘Hey, sorry I’m late. Bus,’ she said rolling her eyes.
    They stood looking at each other for a moment. ‘Glad you made it,’ he said eventually. ‘You look different in uniform.’
    ‘You too. Scotch College, I see.’ Jaz tugged on his maroon tie with the gold and blue stripe. He also wore a white shirt and school pants. It was weird seeing him like this, and he probably thought the same about her white shirt, black tie and checked skirt.
    ‘Yep. Saint Christian’s?’ he asked as he handed her a coffee.
    She nodded. ‘Thanks.’
    ‘Come, let’s sit down on the stairs near the beach.’ They walked down a path that sloped towards the ocean. It was quiet here, not like further up the street where the Life Saving Club and the shops of Cottesloe begun. The only thing opposite them here was the small car park and the golf course. It was also overcast, so not many were out enjoying the beach.
    Marcus stopped about halfway down the steps and sat on some rocks just off to the side. Jaz put her bag down beside her and joined him, drawing her legs up together. The sand clung to her black tights.
    ‘I don’t suppose you have my shirt with you?’ he asked with a raised eyebrow.
    ‘No, sorry. You’re out of luck.’ She laughed.
    ‘At this point, I don’t think so.’
    Jaz quickly took a sip of her coffee as she felt her cheeks grow warm. She glanced at his hair, which was pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck. A few long strands had fallen free and moved across his face in the afternoon breeze coming offshore. It was a beautiful spot and the rhythmic sound of the waves over the rocks nearby had a soothing effect on her.
    Jaz had pulled her ponytail out on the bus, letting her hair fall down around her shoulders like a sea of black silk. Hopefully he liked long hair.
    ‘I’m glad you came today, Jaz,’ said Marcus.
    ‘Me too. I’d do anything for a free coffee.’ She laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘So what’s it like going to Scotch with only boys?’
    ‘Boring,’ he said. ‘Mixed would be heaps better. You would have to fend the guys off at your school, right?’
    Jaz almost choked on her coffee. Marcus patted her on the back as she coughed. ‘Oh, you are way off,’ she said. ‘I scare them all.’
    ‘Get out of here.’
    ‘No, it’s true.’
    ‘Don’t believe it for a second.’ He smiled and Jaz felt the honesty in his eyes.
    ‘What about you?’ Jaz wanted to change the subject. ‘Which one of these houses is yours?’ she said with a wave to the opposite site of the road.
    ‘Why? You plan on visiting me?’
    ‘I have to drop your shirt off somewhere. Or maybe I could just post it?’ Marcus was shaking his head before she could finish.
    ‘No,’ he said seriously. A pink flush appeared on his cheeks. ‘I was thinking you could hand it over on Saturday, over lunch?’
    ‘Were you now?’ Marcus was a flirt but he wasn’t over the top, more cheeky and fun. It felt nice to have someone’s attention.
    ‘So, are you free on Saturday?’
    ‘Maybe,’ she said coyly.
    ‘You don’t give much away, do you?’ He tilted his head as he studied her.
    They chatted for nearly an hour, everything from school subjects, sports, movies. Marcus would be great boyfriend material, if his parents weren’t possible drug runners. Sadly, she couldn’t have Ryan either because they were both on the same spy team. Life was never easy.
    ‘You fence, really? Like with swords? That’s different,’ he said.
    ‘Our school has a fencing team. I like different things. I do martial arts as well.’
    ‘Ah, that explains your abs.’
    ‘And yours are from surfing?’ she said, gesturing to the expanse of ocean in front of them. ‘Or skateboarding? I tried doing that flip thing you did on mine and it’s not as easy as it seems.’
    Marcus raised his eyebrows and his dimple

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