Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency

Free Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency by E A Price

Book: Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
that Gerry had never heard before, and probably never would again.  Or at least until the next time he saw Jessie .  His beast didn’t like to admit to having feelings, never mind tender ones.
    Her agitation at his presence was soon replaced with displeasure.  Her face scrunched up, and he had the odd sensation of being a naughty schoolboy.  “Should you be here?” she asked in a censorious voice.
    As nice as it was to know she was concerned for his health, he had to put a stop to that.  Avery had already let out a snort; he didn’t want anyone to think that the little squirrel was mothering him.  He made a non-committal sound and said, “How’s Gunner?”
    Avery beamed in a way that made half the males in the building swoon.  “Trying to get out of the hospital.  He’s pretty pissed that they're trying to keep him in.  I expect he’ll make a break for it soon.”
    The lioness was a beautiful creature.  Objectively, he added when his beast grumbled.  He’d never been interested in her. And she really couldn’t hold a candle to Jessie, currently wearing a tyrannosaurus-rex t-shirt bemoaning how short his arms were.  It was disturbingly sexy .  Of course, it would probably look even sexier if that was all she was wearing in his bed.  Actually, she could keep her glasses.  They gave her a saucy schoolteacher look that, for someone who went to an all-boys school where even the faculty members were all males, was infinitely appealing.
    He turned so he didn’t have to see Jessie’s scowl.  It was far too arousing for the workplace .  “You wanted me to come down here because…”
    Avery grimaced and flicked on the monitors to the interrogation room.  Zane was currently prowling around the room yelling at a young woman.  She appeared to be angry, but the stubborn tilt of her chin told him she wasn’t about to crack.
    Gerry rubbed a hand down his face.  “I thought we agreed that Zane wasn’t to talk to suspects.”
    “I’m sorry,” said Avery, weakly.  “He brought her in and started on her before I got there.”
    “Who is she anyway?”
    “Miriam Quirk.  Two months ago our wolf shifter victim, Dawson Howler, was arrested for raping her sister.”
    His beast growled.  “What happened?  I don’t recall that case.”
    Avery let out her own growl.  “It never even got to us.  The LLPD cop misfiled the evidence, and because the victim didn’t have a rape kit done, they said there was nothing they could do.  The victim committed suicide a month later.”
    Gerry peered at the monitor, aware of Jessie’s eyes on him.  “She looks human.”
    “She is.”
    “Yet, we think she is capable of subduing and cutting up a wolf shifter?”
    Avery shrugged.  “She could have had help.”
    “Or she could have paid someone,” interjected Jessie.  He turned, and their eyes met before she quickly looked away.  “She’s been drawing money out of her account over the past month in small amounts.  Nothing big enough to raise a suspicion, but altogether it comes to over fifteen thousand dollars.”
    “Good work,” he murmured.
    “Thank you.”
    “Wayne and Cutter are off trying to work out her movements for the past week,” said Avery, obliviously cutting through the tension.  “Hopefully, we can either place her at the house on the night, or we have a witness to her meeting up with a hitman.”
    On the monitor, Zane threw a chair across the room.  Avery bit her lip.  “I’ve already been in there twice, but he won’t leave.  Short of tackling him and dragging him out, he’s staying put.”
    Gerry nodded.  “I’ll deal with it.”  He dared a glance at Jessie and was thrilled to see that she looked impressed.  Or maybe that was how he and his python hoped she looked.  Well, it was a step up from disgusted, whatever it was.
    He strode into the interrogation room, and Zane stopped, stared at him a little off balance, and then glared, sulkily.
    “Forgive the

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