
Free Hawke by R.J. Lewis

Book: Hawke by R.J. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J. Lewis
matter. He was still talking to Jesse, and at this point, I really couldn’t hold back any longer. I needed to know what was going on.
    I tip-toed to them and casually looked around the room, playing it cool. I stopped a couple feet behind Hector and leaned my head in his direction.
    “Abram’s just doing this because he had a good business relationship with Hawke, man,” Jesse whispered. “Don’t sweat it.”
    “It’s insulting, Jesse,” Hector replied. “How am I going to gain the respect of the club if Hawke’s going to keep coming around here taking care of my responsibilities? He taught me the ropes for the first couple years, but I don’t need his shit anymore.”
    “Look…all I know… is Tyler is a terrible fucking spy, man, and I’m embarrassed for her right now.”
    I tensed as they both turned their heads to me. Jesse grinned and Hector shook his head.
    “You know, Ty,” Jesse said, “if you wanted to be all incognito, you could have just sat in my lap and twirled my hair.”
    “Fuck you, Jesse,” I retorted.
    He cackled. “I love a filthy mouth, Tyler.”
    “I’ll send Regina your way then. I’m sure her mouth’s on the sixth dick tonight.”
    Hector laughed. “Tyler, you shouldn’t curse so much. It looks fucking hilarious coming from you.”
    “Yeah, she’s like a baby unicorn, huh?” Jesse added, biting his lip as he looked me over. “Look at how angry she’s getting, all ferocious and red. I want to squeeze her cheeks.”
    I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’ll squeeze your balls if you don’t shut up.”
    “Oooh, baby, please do,” he growled, standing up and moving to me. I was still as a statue, unwilling to move because that was what he wanted. He wanted me to be uncomfortable and pushing him away. He pressed himself against me, surrounding me with the scent of his expensive cologne, and I rolled my eyes as he brushed my hair past my ears. “Fuck, Ty, am I still a no-go for you?” he asked, amusement alive in his voice. “Give me a chance to change your mind, baby. I promise you won’t regret it.”
    I looked into his light blue eyes and bit out, “Yeah, Jesse, give me a chance to bite your dick off and feed it to your asshole. That would make my night.”
    “Kinky girl.” He pulled away, laughing with Hector as he rejoined him. “Tyler’s the best thing about this club, man. Every time I second guess my patch, I think of Ty’s little mouth and how much of a rainbow kitten she is.”
    “Yeah, she’s like one of those fuckin’ ponies Marshall’s daughter plays with talking about harmony and shit. What’re their names?”
    “Fucking Rainbow Draft or some shit.”
    “Dash,” I corrected sharply. “Not Draft, idiot.”
    Jesse winked at me. “You want a dash of my white stuff, sweetheart?”
    I flipped him off and that just made them happier. Ugh. Such assholes. I left them to laugh at me and sat back down on my stool. I grabbed the beer bottle again and continued tearing off the sticker, thinking about the tidbit of information they unknowingly fed me.
    Hawke was coming. He had to be. I felt delicious tingles at the mere thought.
    I may not have messed with the guys here, but Hawke was technically not a part of the club anymore. And that meant he was a territory I could tread upon. God knows I’d always wanted to.
    Yeah, and once upon a time, you made it clear to him you wanted to.
    I cringed when I thought of myself declaring love to him like the fucking teenage idiot I was. Who did things like that?! What was I thinking? Answer was simple: I wasn’t. I’d just been so freaking happy to see him, and so unbelievably terrified of losing him, the words just exploded out of my mouth, and I still regretted that moment deep in my bones. Like…what was I expecting from him? To declare love back to a fifteen-year-old moron?
    Maybe you thought you had a chance with him.
    While Hector was a playboy all throughout the years, Hawke was more reserved. I only ever saw

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