Only Pretend

Free Only Pretend by Nora Flite

Book: Only Pretend by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite
water. "Bayushki bayu..."
    "That's beautiful," I whispered. Instantly, the sponge stopped moving. "What does it mean?"
    Leonide turned away. His silence left me cold—more so, I was curious. Twisting in the tub, I came face to face with a straight razor. "We're wasting precious time. Let's keep going." Catching my giant eyes, his lips became a thin line. "You know what this is for." Of course I knew. "Shall I do it, or can I trust you to not attempt to slit my throat?"
    And then I understood. This was less about washing me, more about being a test. Last time we were together, I attacked him and cut his face. I couldn't see a scab or scar, it had healed and vanished on his tan skin. But he remembers. We both do.
    My eyes bounced to the blade.
    "Celeste, answer me."
    Shaking, I lifted my legs from the water and spread my knees. Leonide didn't even look, he was studying my unsteady fingers. "I'll do it," I whispered.
    Sliding his stool back, he gave me the razor. It was strange to hold something so deadly. I'd never felt such a rush; I was close to dropping the weapon. I'll cut myself if I'm not careful.
    Gingerly, I scraped it over my skin. It took all of my concentration; I ignored Leonide entirely. It was for the best. If I considered what he was watching me do, my effort not to nick myself would be wasted.
    Rinsing myself, then the tool, I finally looked at him. His face was stoic, words silken in my ears. "Good. Now give it to me."
    The blade glistened as I extended it. In that second, we balanced on an edge just as sharp. If I gave him the razor, I was showing he could trust me. If I resisted, threatened myself or tried to slice him...
    He gave me an extra few seconds, taunting me with his lack of anxiety.
    I could cut his throat right here.
    I didn't struggle when he took the blade.
    "Now," he said, slipping the razor away, "get up. Let's dry you off."
    Water sluiced from my body as I stood. He appraised me with open appreciation. Helping me from the tub, Leonide scrubbed me softly with a towel. It was so unlike what the women had done. This experience was... Nice. This is almost nice.
    Through the thick towel, wandering hands stroked my ribs. They traveled along the outside of my breasts. My cells were rustling, skin sensitive to his touch. Despite his comment to hurry, he took his time to dry me. Each inch was lovingly explored. By the time he reached the junction of my thighs, I'd shut my eyes in anticipation.
    No towel grazed me; his fingers were cool compared to my skin. I jerked in surprise, looking from his wicked grin down to his hand on my pussy. "What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?"
    "You were begging me to make you cum the other night." One finger each, they slid forward and back over my vulva. "Has that changed? Do you no longer need release?"
    I slid my heel back. "Wait, you're wrong."
    " Wrong? " Laughing, he squeezed my ass cheek with his other palm. I was stuck between, moaning while he calmly tweaked my stiffening clit. "This hungry cunt says I'm right. Am I not helping you? Isn't this kind of me?"
    Through my haze, I bit my tongue. "I'm not—"
    "Or do you only like me when you have to fight for it?" He shoved me; on the slippery floor, I lost my balance. "Get up, you spoiled girl." The poison in his voice put my senses more alert. I didn't know how to handle this man. He changed his mood too fast for me.
    Carefully, I rose. I didn't look away from him for a second. "Just tell me what you want from me."
    "Everything." With the steam collecting in the bathroom, I was reminded of a dragon's lair. I'd awoken Leonide from his slumber. Now, I had to face his wrath. "I want everything from you, Celeste."
    My head was splitting. "Then why not just take it? Why mix me up like this, make me feel one thing, then another?" Brushing back my hair, I groaned. "Just take it and let me hate you!"
    He threw back his head, scoffing at my distress. "There are better ways. Funner

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