Delta Force Desire

Free Delta Force Desire by C.J. Miller

Book: Delta Force Desire by C.J. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Miller
take every opportunity.”
    She couldn’t imagine herself at a rave. “Did you see me at my sister’s birthday party?” Which had been a million times tamer, at least until Griffin and the Incognito gunmen had arrived.
    â€œI saw you.”
    â€œIf you saw me, you know I don’t socialize well. I was uncomfortable. How will I feel at a rave?”
    Griffin put his arm around her. “I’ll be with you. I won’t leave you all night.”
    Kit sighed. He looked at her in a way that made it impossible to say no. Nothing about this or the Locker had been easy for her. They could attend and leave if she couldn’t handle it. “Guess we’re going to a rave.”
    * * *
    Ménage-Play was as crowded and hot and insane as Kit had imagined. The party was taking place in a rehabbed warehouse downtown, about two blocks from the hotel. The area was divided into three spaces, each blaring music and a thump that hurt her head. A hallway extended away from the main rooms. Kit assumed the hallway was lined with rooms for those looking for an intimate, but private, experience.
    Griffin was pressed behind Kit, and a young blonde woman wearing a silver bikini was grinding into her. She had hair to her waist, and it curled at the ends like ocean waves.
    Kit tried to move away. In the crowd, it took a full minute to shuffle three inches. The woman giggled when Kit was out of the way. Silver Bikini reached for Griffin and pressed her hips against his, leaving no question what she had in mind. It was the same thought every woman had when she saw Griffin. He looked incredible tonight, still wearing part of his vampire costume, the tight black T-shirt and dark jeans. He had removed the leather jacket and sunglasses, but the outfit worked on him.
    Kit had known this would happen. She had no interest in standing by while women ground their half-naked bodies against Griffin. It was hard for him to blend. He was a head taller than most of the men and broader across the shoulders.
    Should she put more distance between them? Should she tell Griffin it was okay if he wanted to leave with one of the women eyeing him?
    To her surprise, Griffin pivoted away from Silver Bikini and instead put Kit in front of him. He didn’t even look at the other woman with longing. Shock rippled over her and following on its heels was a jolt of happiness. Griffin had picked her.
    The music volume made conversation impossible. The rhythmic thumping vibrated her. Someone passed by her, brushing against her, a hand lingering on her leg. She wished she had changed from her vampire outfit into pants that covered more of her.
    She wanted to go home. Kit moved toward the door. Griffin grabbed her hand and asked her something, but she couldn’t hear him over the music. He brought his mouth close to her ear, but even then, she made out only disjointed syllables.
    Griffin turned her to face him. He positioned his big body around her and she instantly felt safe as if sectioned off from the crowd. In the circle of his arms, no one else touched her. Griffin ignored the women who pounded against him with their curvy hips and big beach-ball breasts. His eyes were on her and only her.
    He was forgoing sex to watch over her. She was the focus of his absolute attention. Her skin tingled with awareness, and desire enveloped her. Was she misreading him, or was he into her? This was one area of her life where she had little experience. If she could have called Marissa, she would have. Marissa would know. When it came to men, Kit didn’t trust her own instincts.
    After almost wrestling her hormones under control, the song changed, and Griffin put his hands on her shoulders. For a man who seemed uptight much of the time, he could dance. His fluid motion, as if the music were part of him, had her moving with him. She closed her eyes and followed the rhythm of his body.
    As they danced, Kit pretended she was the video game character Liliana

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