House of Paine - A Full Length Bad Boy Novel

Free House of Paine - A Full Length Bad Boy Novel by Kylie Walker

Book: House of Paine - A Full Length Bad Boy Novel by Kylie Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Walker
Tags: romantic suspense
    “Fuck you both too. Take your tough guy, asshole attitudes and go try and intimidate someone else. It’s not working here.”
    “This is what I’m stuck with?” Damien said. He looked at his brother and said, “You better find something out soon. It looks like I’ll be living with a feral cat.”
    “Get the fuck out!”
    “Let’s go,” Jackson told them. Damien didn’t take his eyes off her face until Jackson finally stepped in between them and said, “Damien will be there tonight. Don’t do anything stupid.”
    The nightclub was packed and Paige had been on her feet for three hours solid. She was helping out at the bar and giving breaks to the staff. The bar itself was packed because the girls were dancing tonight and the local perverts had to sit belly up so they could watch them. The girls were wearing skin tight white leather booty shorts and white bikini tops that only covered their nipples and nothing else. They had on thigh high white leather boots and both of them had long blonde hair that fell down past their butts. They used their hair a lot in their routine and more than once she saw Caine walk by and grab one by the hair or slap her ass. Paige found herself hoping that he chose to take one of them in the back room tonight and left her alone. She wasn’t in the mood to pretend that she wanted him tonight.
    She worked non-stop for another two hours, thinking she was going to get lucky since the night was almost over. That was about the time that she felt Caine come up behind her. He wrapped his beefy arms around her waist and whispered, “I want you,” in her ear.
    “It’s really busy Caine. They need me out here.”
    “They can handle it.”
    “No buts! Come with me. I’m the boss, remember?”
    Fuck! Paige put down the bottle she’d been pouring out of and followed him into the back. As soon as they were in the room, Caine’s hands were all over her. There was nothing slow or gentle about him tonight.
    “Hey there tiger, slow down! I’m not going anywhere.”
    “Damn right you’re not. Get naked.”
    “Jeez, maybe we could have a drink and get to know each other a little bit.”
    “I know you well enough. Get naked.”
    Paige forced a laugh. What she really wanted to do was throw up. His demanding attitude with her about her body was making her feel sick. She’d created a monster.
    “Hey Caine, can I ask you something?”
    “What’s that?” he was rubbing her tits through her blouse. It was hard to concentrate.
    She took a small step back and said, “I heard some guys talking today about a guy named Paul…something or other. One guy said he disappeared and the other guy said something about him being dead…”
    “What about it?”
    “They were talking about where this Paul guy got his drugs and your name came up…”
    “Who the fuck were these guys?”
    “I don’t know. I didn’t hear them say any names…”
    “What did they look like?”
    “White guys, one was tall and thin with a lot of tattoos and the other was shorter and stockier. They looked about twenty five or so.”
    “Are they still here?”
    “No, they left.”
    “If you see them again, you let me know, while they’re here.”
    “Okay…do you sell drugs, Caine?”
    “I don’t think you want to get too nosy here, Paige. Now, take your fucking clothes off before I tear them off.”
    “I’m just not really feeling it tonight…”
    “Then you can just lay there. Now, last time…take your fucking clothes off…right now!”
    Paige was pissed. She wanted to refuse and run out of the room…but that wasn’t an option. She’d made this bed and now she had to literally lie in it. She started taking off her shirt. Before she got it over her head, Caine unhooked her bra and started fondling her tits. By the time she tossed her shirt aside, his mouth was covering one of her nipples. Her body began responding again, the same way it did last time. Caine pulled his head up and

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