Terran Times 01 - Arena Station

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Book: Terran Times 01 - Arena Station by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Champions of Terra
when she had entered the arena barracks. The two had since become fast friends.
    “You know that your luck in the pit is not going to be with you forever. Eventually, you’ll need to be taken to medical for some major repairs and it is going to cost you.” She sat back and surveyed her battered friend.
    “I know, but I would hate to have to dip into my savings. I still dream of getting myself out of here one day, and I need to bribe a lot of people to slip away unnoticed.”
    “You shouldn’t talk so freely of escaping.
    Someone might take notice and report you.” Tory looked nervously about and her eyes widened at the sight of four guards making their way through the females barracks, straight toward where Kyra was lying on her bunk.

    Viola Grace

    Two of the arena guards lifted the human out of her bunk and began dragging her off without a word being spoken. Tory soon fixed that.
    “Where the hell are you taking her? She’s recovering from her last fight and getting ready for another tomorrow.” She moved to block their path and the other two guards that had come in with them moved her aside.
    “She has been summoned to medical. That’s all you need to know.” One of the guards snarled it in Tory’s face as he shoved her out of the way and then reached for his stunner. In the female fighter quarters only a stupid guard with no plans for the future ever forgot that these females fought for a living, and that by entering the secured area he would be severely outnumbered. Tory stepped back and let them exit the barracks without making another attempt to delay them. The doors swung shut behind the group and a murmur of curiosity spread through the women’s fighter quarters. This was definitely an unusual occurrence.

    * * * *
    A few minutes later Kyra’s escort had led her through three security check points on the arena orbital station, the silence of the walk was starting to get on her nerves.
    “Medical, huh? By who’s request? I sure didn’t 6

    Champions of Terra - Arena Station ask for it, nor will I accept it on my account without a fight.” Stumbling between two burly guards of the Oesh species she tried to keep her dignity as much as possible while two of her arms were being held by one of each of theirs, the guard on the left was letting his nine fingers quite thoroughly explore her backside. It was not the first time she had been groped by an ‘alien‘
    species, but it was always unsettling to have limbs and appendages she could not identify roaming over her body without her consent.
    “The repairs and exam are on the management.” The grunted reply was the only thing that came out of the right guard's mouth during the arduous half hour walk to the medical bay.
    Medical treatment was not free in the arena and she now had an idea who was picking up the tab for this little excursion. It was not about to be her.
    A team of technicians was waiting for her, ignoring her queries as to what the hell was going on they secured her bruised body to a gurney and began to work. Blood and tissue samples were drawn while her ribs were being restored to wholeness. They removed the bodysuit she had been wearing by the expedient method of cutting it from her. The shivering in her body became uncontrollable as the blades slid between her flesh and the suit. The delicate sound of shredding fabric made her skin prickle in anticipation of the 7

    Viola Grace

    blades turning and reversing their path. The relief that she felt as the last of the cloth tugged away was at odds with the frustration of her restrained position.
    Under the soothing rays of the restorer her bruises began to fade. She could feel the cracks in her ribs knitting and fading into nothing. As the pain receded, Kyra began to struggle against the restraints and the hands of the technicians in earnest. The claws, fingers and tentacles that were exploring and examining her body gave her the creeps.
    “Quiet down! This is for your safety and

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