Terran Times 01 - Arena Station

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Book: Terran Times 01 - Arena Station by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Champions of Terra
comfort.” Finally, one of the team leaders condescended to speak directly to her as the hive of activity continued to swirl around her prone form.
    “I was perfectly comfortable before. What’s going on here? I didn’t authorize any repairs on myself.” She tried to infuse a look of haughty disdain into her features. Not an easy task considering that one of the hive of techs was engaging in a detailed exam of her reproductive system that would have made a gynaecologist blush.
    “The examination and repairs have been ordered by the management. You are a successful fighter and they want to minimize the probability of injury and discomfort later. They do not wish for a repeat of the last female.” He gestured to 8

    Champions of Terra - Arena Station another gurney on the other side of the crowded medical bay.
    The figure on the gurney was definitely female, but covered with blood. She recognized the species as a Selna, commonly used in the companion services. This particular specimen had obviously run afoul of something that was not interested in her charms and enforced its dislike with sharp claws and teeth.
    She had piped up, “Later when?” in response to his last comment, but he proceeded to speak as if she had said nothing.
    “The Selna that was sent was obviously unsuitable. We are endeavouring to make sure that the next candidate is a much more acceptable match.” The saurian face lit in delight at a prospect only he could envision.
    Feeling nausea and fear rising within her, she ruthlessly fought it back. “A match for what exactly? And why precisely was she injured?” She jerked her chin at the other gurney where the techs were still attempting to stop the bleeding.
    “One of our champion fighters is in rut. His species is very rare, something to do with a low birth rate. Anyway, on the station there are only a handful of species that are remotely compatible, and yours happens to be one of them. Lucky you.”
    He looked over his shoulder at the Selna. “She was supposed to be a solid match, but obviously something was missing in her chemical or 9

    Viola Grace

    biological makeup. She was rejected. We intend to monitor the next attempt carefully so that records may be kept for future use.”
    “Rut? You mean you want me to fuck a total stranger?” Her astonishment and outrage was evident. Occasionally a male fighter would pay to have a female fighter delivered to him for intimate purposes, but usually they made do with females from the companion barracks. Kyra herself had never volunteered for that particular branch of employment. Although, she did know several female fighters that relished the extra income from such occurrences. No one in the management of the arena had ever attempted to coerce her into it either, at least not after reading her capture record.
    Three of the raiders had died and two more were injured before they could subdue her after they had woken her from cold sleep.
    Good fighters were expensive and they did not want them injured.
    “The choice is not up to you. By the time we have finished with you, you will engage in whatever activity he suggests. Your opinion will not matter, you will simply react.” He gave her a leering grin and patted her straining thigh as it fought the cuff at her ankle.
    “Are you nuts?” The swarm of technicians stilled and all eyes turned to the team leader as they absorbed her shrieked insult.
    The leer was replaced by a tight smile, “No my 10

    Champions of Terra - Arena Station dear, I am quite sane. You should be grateful that we are making the effort to ensure your comfort.”
    He turned away and addressed the only female tech in the room. “Are the supplements calibrated yet?”
    “Yes Dr. Telnor. Her muscle mass and physiology have been taken into account and the shots are ready.” The tech slid a tray within easy reach of the doctor and stood back with the rest of the team.
    “Now, since you are so curious, I will explain the

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