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Book: Alone by Tiffany Lovering Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Lovering
    “ I'm sorry. I was just going to wait for you outside but your door was unlocked and I was getting cold,” Sara said.
    “ It's fine, I'm just surprised to see you. Where did you go this morning?”
    “ I didn't want to distract you from your plans for the day, so I just left before you got up.”
    “ You didn't have to do that,” I said thinking about how her leaving was quite the distraction this morning. I didn't mention it though. I didn't want to make her feel guilty. “You're looking better,” I commented, noticing the bruises on her face had faded a bit.
    “ I'm getting stronger every day now. It feels good.”
    “ I'm glad,” I smiled.
    “ What did you do today?” Sara asked.
    I went into a monologue about my meeting with Jace and what I had in store for me over the next couple of months. I emphasized how much work it was going to be. There was no excitement in my voice though; it was like it was just another job, without life altering possibilities. That was how I saw the art show, although I knew it wasn't entirely true. Looking at the show as just another job was less nerve wracking.
    “ That's really exciting,” Sara said enthusiastically.
    “ I know. It should be interesting.”
    “ You know what I think? I think you should try some new paths. I mean you said you mostly paint and you do some sculptures, but what about something completely different? Give the people that go to the show some variety.”
    A very intriguing idea. “Like what?” I asked.
    “ Photography? Or maybe watercolor? Something completely outside of what you usually do.”
    “ I don't think I have enough time to take up a new genre and work on everything else as well. It takes a long time to perfect something new.”
    “ It might be easier than you think. You do everything so well, I'm sure if you take up something new, you'd be a natural.”
    I know she meant what she said as a vote of confidence in my work, but it felt like added pressure. I certainly wasn't good at everything I'd tried, but she was right about showing a range of art genres. “It's definitely a good idea to give them some variety. I'll think about it.”
    “ I hope you do more than think about it.” She was looking at the paintings of herself still in the living room on the easels.
    “ I did that this morning,” I said referring to the color painting.
    “ Do I really look that bad?” she asked sadly.
    “ You're looking better Sara. But, yes, your face is pretty bruised up. Haven't you seen it in a mirror?”
    “ I avoid mirrors as much as possible.”
    “ You are still beautiful though. I don't know how you manage to stay so happy even though you have obviously been through a lot.”
    “ I have always been naturally happy. That's why I've been pushed away so much. I think my happiness and optimism was more aggravating than inviting in the past.”
    “ How can that be? Seeing you so happy, makes me happy.”
    “ Yeah, now it does.” Obviously, she was thinking that her happiness was going to ware me down somehow. I just didn't see how that was possible, her personality was magnetic.
    “ Where do you stay at night? It's getting really cold out there.”
    “ I have a few different places.”
    “ But you won't tell me where?”
    “ It doesn't matter. I promise you that when I go for good, I will let you know first.”
    “ Are you planning to leave? I thought you just came back.”
    “ There will be a time that my presence here is no longer needed, or wanted. You'll see.”
    “ I hope you don't mean me personally, I don't ever want to let you go. I'm already getting attached.”
    Sara laughed and said, “Me too. I'm getting too comfortable here.”
    “ I know we just met yesterday, but I feel like I have known you forever. You know, I've never told anybody about the things I've told you about. You make me feel so comfortable, like I can tell you anything.”
    “ You can trust your secrets with me,” she said.
    “ You can trust me

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