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Book: Alone by Tiffany Lovering Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Lovering
as well you know. You don't have to be so vague all the time.”
    “ I know Willow. I'm sorry.”
    “ Don't apologize. I'm just letting you know that your secrets are safe with me.”
    It was so easy for me to open up to her. I wasn't sure if it was just because it was Sara or if it was because I've been searching so long for someone to talk to. It did bother me that she was so hesitant to share her life with me, I knew she would open up when she was ready. She seemed so content to just listen to my stories.
    The outside perspective Sara had on me was interesting as well. She always seemed to challenge my thoughts. I had been so set in my ways for so long and I never thought anyone could make me second guess my strategies. Last night it was listening to music, today it was trying new forms of art. When she challenged me, it invoked a fire in my soul. Showed me a little piece of what I was missing, instead of making me feel like an outsider.
    It was getting late and I excused myself so I could change out of my dress clothes and into my pajamas. I dressed as quickly as I could and grabbed an extra set of sweats for her to change into if she wanted to stay the night again. The thought of her being out in the frigid night worried me. Of course, when I got back out to the living room, she was gone. Disappeared into thin air, I didn't even hear the heavy door shut. I laughed and sat on the couch. Part of me was tempted to run out and find her. She couldn't have gotten too far, but I dismissed that idea. She promised to say goodbye when the time came.

    The art-supply store called Explorations was not very well lit. The paint that covered the walls was peeling and was covered with prints of famous paintings like Van Gogh's Starry Night. Not one original piece in the place. Going into Explorations, I never felt particularly artistic, but the store did carry anything you could possibly need to create art.
    Crystal Waters owned the place. She was born in the sixties to her hippie parents and she had never grown out of the hippie era which was strange considering she was an infant and couldn’t really experience the time period. She dressed in tie-dyed t-shirts and ragged jeans and always had Grateful Dead playing. She was also very knowledgeable as she had a master's degree in Art History. If there was anything you needed, she could find it, explain the active ingredients and tell you how to use it. Crystal also paid very close attention to her customers. She knew everything they bought on a regular basis and could make suggestions for future purchases based on that information.
    “ Good morning Willow!” Crystal called from behind the counter. “What color are you looking for today?”
    I approached the counter a bit unsure of myself. “All of them actually. I want to try watercolor.”
    “ Really? Why the sudden interest?” She asked coming out from behind the counter and heading to the watercolor section.
    “ Just want to see if I can do it. I haven't used watercolors since I was in high school.”
    “ Okay. Well, start with these,” she said handing me a box that contained 36 tubes of watercolor. “They're easiest to work with. You'll need brushes.” Crystal picked up 5 different brushes that had a much softer tip than what I work with for oil paints. “And here is some paper. 140 lb slightly textured, cold-pressed. Perfect for beginners.”
    “ Thanks,” I said eying the materials in my arms.
    “ Oh. Here is a great book describing what you've bought and how to use them. You'll develop your own style of course, but this will show you the basics.”
    “ Alright,” I said heading for the counter to unburden my arms from the load. “What about a camera? A good beginner one.”
    “ Wow, really looking to branch out today aren't you? Okay, over here.” I followed her to the selection of cameras on the back wall. “Are you thinking digital or 35mm?”
    “ 35mm,” I

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