Rogue Alpha (Alpha 7)

Free Rogue Alpha (Alpha 7) by Carole Mortimer

Book: Rogue Alpha (Alpha 7) by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
to coat his flesh before it was eagerly lapped up by the rasp of Diana’s tongue.
    To say this was the last thing he had expected to happen when they reached the safe house would be an understatement of gigantic proportions.
    To expect Seth even to think of stopping her was a no-brainer.
    If he still had a functioning brain. Which he didn’t, and hadn’t since the moment Diana unfastened his jeans and began to strip him.
    “Yes,” he hissed as she took him to the back of her throat, his balls tightening and drawing upward as she sucked him in deeper and harder, the constricting fingers about the base of his cock preventing him from releasing. “Faster,” he demanded fiercely, using her shoulders for leverage as he could no longer hold back from thrusting into the hot, constricting furnace of her mouth. “Oh God, harder…!”
    His head was buzzing from sensual overload, his vision unfocused. Every part of him was centered on that pleasuring mouth and the moist suctioning sound as his cock thrust in and out, and the slap of his balls against her chin.
    “Let me…Oh God, release me and let me come, damn it!” His voice sounded guttural in the silence of the kitchen, his fingers biting deeply into the flesh of her shoulders.
    She hummed her refusal as her mouth, lips, and tongue continued to drive him insane.
    Seth had no other choice but take it as she continued to lick and suck, her grip so tight on the base of his cock, while his come was held prisoner in his aching balls.
    His knees threatened to buckle beneath him as she moved her hand from his hip and instead cupped and rolled those tensely straining balls.
    “You’ll pay for this,” he promised harshly.
    Diana was counting on it. Was looking forward to it, in fact.
    Her life had become a nightmare this past year, but this, this was so very real. The feel of Seth’s cock in her mouth, the ragged sound of his breathing, the taste of his cum on her tongue and in her mouth, all indications that she was driving him as wild with desire as he had her this morning.
    She didn’t want it to end just yet, wanted to lose herself in the moment, to wonder and revel in the pleasure she was giving him.
    Seth’s cock was hard and fierce as he thrust in and out of her mouth. His breathing was a dry painful rasp in his throat, his fingers digging into her shoulders as he strained to reach the release Diana was still refusing to give him.
    The things he was going to do to her once she had…!
    Fuck, fuck, fuuuck.
    Seth felt as if a dam was bursting inside him as Diana at last removed those constricting fingers from about the base of his cock, and his cum erupted up so hotly, it seemed to come up from his toes.
    And it kept on erupting as both her hands now moved to grip the bareness of his ass, fingers digging into his muscular flesh as she sucked and swallowed until she had taken every last drop of his hot cum.
    Diana hadn’t thought as far as the awkwardness that would follow her impulsive behavior.
    But she thought about it now, as Seth’s cock began to soften slightly in her mouth and she still remained on her knees on the kitchen floor in front of him, the harshness of their breathing the only sound to break through the eerily silent aftermath.
    What have I done?
    More to the point, where do Seth and I go from here?
    That she had enjoyed every moment of it, felt empowered, exhilarated by prolonging Seth’s release, was no excuse. She doubted Seth would think it was either.
    Seth felt as if he’d been put through a wringer and then pulled bodily back out again. His chest was heaving from the exertion of simply trying to catch his breath. The muscles in his arms ached from the strain of trying not to crush the fragility of the bones in Diana’s shoulders beneath his tightly gripping fingers. As for his balls and cock… They both felt as if they had been ripped inside out.
    “What the fuck was that?” he muttered.
    Diana looked up at him between dark lashes.

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