Short Straw

Free Short Straw by Stuart Woods

Book: Short Straw by Stuart Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
getting seven hundred and something thousand back from the Mexican bank.”
    “That’s terrific. Now all you have to do is not get killed tomorrow, divorce your wife and you’re in great shape.”
    Eagle looked at his watch. “I’ve got a hearing in half an hour.”
    Both men stood up and shook hands. “Call me for some golf, if you’re still alive,” Wolf said.
    “I’ll do that.”
    E AGLE ARRIVED in the courtroom, and the bailiff told him his client was waiting in a holding cell.
    “The judge is going to take a thirty-minute recess in a few minutes, and then he’ll hear your motion,” the bailiff said.
    Eagle nodded and took a seat in the front row. Bob Martinez was questioning a witness and, apparently, getting nowhere.
    A man came over and sat down next to Eagle. “Mr. Eagle, I’m Tom Cartwright, your witness.”
    Eagle shook his hand, got up and led the man out into the hall.
    “Mr. Cartwright, I really appreciate your coming, and so does Joe Big Bear.”
    “The guy did a good job on my car; it’s the least I can do for an innocent man.”
    “Let me ask you some questions, now, the same ones I’m going to ask when you’re on the stand.”
    Eagle took him quickly through his testimony, then sat him down on a bench in the hallway and went back into the courtroom as Martinez finished questioning his witness.
    “Mr. Eagle?” the judge said.
    “Ready, Judge. He took a seat at the defense table, as Joe Big Bear was led into the courtroom, wearing an orange jumpsuit.
    “Mr. Martinez?” the judge said.
    “Ready, your honor.”
    Eagle had Big Bear sworn and took him through his testimony, establishing his story, then he called Cartwright, who was duly sworn.
    “Mr. Cartwright, are you acquainted with Joe Big Bear?”
    “I certainly am. He fixed my car; did a good job.”
    “Did you ever know him before that day?”
    “No, I got his number off a bulletin board at Pep Boys parts shop.”
    The mention of Pep Boys jogged something in Eagle’s head, but he couldn’t place it, so he continued. “Mr. Cartwright, on the day in question, what time did Mr. Big Bear arrive at your house?”
    “Around one-thirty.”
    “And what time did he finish his work and depart?”
    “Four-thirty, quarter to five.”
    “Was he there for the entire time?”
    “He was.”
    “How do you know?”
    “Because I was in my home office all afternoon, and I could see him out the window, working on my car in the driveway.”
    “Your witness,” he said to Martinez.
    Martinez stood up. “Mr. Cartwright, you said you didn’t know Mr. Big Bear before that day?”
    “That’s right; never set eyes on him before, until he came to my house that day.”
    “Are you related to Mr. Big Bear by blood or marriage?”
    “No, sir.”
    “Were you acquainted with Mr. Big Bear’s girlfriend?”
    “Didn’t know he had one, until I read it in the New Mexican. ”
    “No further questions.” Martinez sat down.
    “Mr. Eagle, you have a motion?”
    “Yes, your honor.” He reached into his briefcase and removed the coroner’s report. “Judge, the coroner has established that the murders in Mr. Big Bear’s trailer occurred between two and four in the afternoon. Every minute of Mr. Big Bear’s day has been accounted for—I’m sure the district attorney’s investigators can confirm that—and, in particular, Mr. Cartwright’s testimony has confirmed that Mr. Big Bear could not possibly have committed these murders. Therefore I move for dismissal of all charges and the immediate release of Mr. Big Bear.”
    “Mr. Martinez?” the judge said.
    “No objection, your honor.”
    “The charges are dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. Big Bear, you’ll be returned to the Santa Fe County Correctional Center and processed out today.”
    Joe Big Bear pumped Eagle’s hand. “Thank you, Mr. Eagle!” he said.
    Eagle took him to one side of the courtroom and spoke to him quietly. “Joe, let’s talk about my

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