Dark Harbor

Free Dark Harbor by Stuart Woods

Book: Dark Harbor by Stuart Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
sources, and that that can be documented to the satisfaction of the New York Police Department or even the Internal Revenue Service.”
    “I’m glad to hear it,” Dino said.
    “You have lived a long time in an unhappy marriage,” Eduardo said, “and the law entitles you to an equitable division of property.”
    “I don’t want her property,” Dino said, though the thought of existing on a lieutenant’s salary and benefits did not thrill him.
    “Anna Maria was able to do so well with her investments because you insisted on supporting her. That way, she could devote all her capital to making more.”
    Dino shrugged.
    “You are morally entitled to leave this marriage with more than you earn as a policeman,” Eduardo said, “so I have made certain arrangements.”
    Dino said nothing but started in on the veal that had been placed before him.
    “Anna Maria’s holdings now amount to about eleven million dollars, including the value of the apartment you shared, which was bought with earnings from her money. Tomorrow, a million dollars of her holdings will be placed in the trust that you set up at Benito’s birth and to which you would never allow me to contribute. This will be used as you have specified, for his education, and anything left over can be used to buy a home after he is twenty-five, though surely by that time he will have come into a considerable inheritance from me.”
    “That’s very generous of her,” Dino said. This was Eduardo’s move, of course, not Mary Ann’s, but it lifted a load from his mind.
    “Further, five million dollars of her funds go to you, as a complete and total settlement. I know you do not want any part of the apartment or any other wealth deriving from me.”
    “Thank you for understanding that, Eduardo,” Dino said. “And I don’t want her money.”
    “Five million of it is your money, Dino,” Eduardo said, “and it was placed in your checking account this morning.”
    Dino put down his fork and stared at Eduardo.
    “I can hear the gears turning in your mind, Dino,” the old man said. “You are trying to figure out how this money is ill-gotten gains, but I assure you none of it is. It is a reasonable and proper settlement of your divorce; it will stand up to any possible scrutiny by the department, the district attorney or the state and federal tax authorities, and I will not tolerate its return.”
    Dino had never heard Eduardo use the words “I will not tolerate,” and they stopped him in his tracks. “I am uncomfortable with this,” he said, when he had found his voice.
    “I know, but you will grow more comfortable with it as your life grows more comfortable, particularly when you are as old as I. You can now purchase a home of your own, where Benito can visit you regularly and have his own room. If you wish to invest the rest, I will be pleased to recommend someone who I can guarantee will not steal from you or charge unreasonable fees.”
    Dino stared at his father-in-law again.
    Eduardo held up a hand. “Please,” he said. “I ask this of you as a favor. Make an old man happy.”
    Dino sighed. “All right. And thank you, Eduardo.”
    Eduardo snapped his fingers and a man with a briefcase whom Dino had not noticed approached, appeared at his elbow. He opened the case and produced a sheaf of papers. “This,” Eduardo said, accepting them, “will be the settlement agreement between you and Anna Maria. It includes the financial settlement I have just outlined and a guarantee of joint custody. You will have Benito two weekends each month, two days each week and six weeks each summer, all to be mutually agreed on by you and Anna Maria. Anna Maria’s signature is already affixed and notarized. If you should ever feel that Anna Maria is not living up to the agreement’s provisions, you need not go to a lawyer or judge, simply telephone me. Please read it.”
    Dino took a pen from his pocket and signed both copies of the document without reading it. The

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