Mercy F*uck

Free Mercy F*uck by K. S. Adkins

Book: Mercy F*uck by K. S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. S. Adkins
    But he taught me how to defend myself and in return, I taught my sisters.
    The look of fear on Shane’s face at the thought of defending himself broke my heart. This was a learned behavior. Shane was taught to fear his dad and if anyone could help him work through that, it was the bad boy who was gentle with the scared boy. Because that’s what Shane was around his dad. He wasn’t a man, but a terrified child.
    I’d fight the world for you, Drew .
    Nine years ago I believed that with all my heart.
    The question was, could I believe that now?
    “Where is he?” I hear from behind me and his voice grated the only working nerve I possessed. I was also irritated with myself because I thought I locked the door behind me. Well shit.
    “He’s off today,” I lie then turn to face him. He was wearing street clothes and I knew what that meant. Daddy dearest was off duty and wanted to party. He wanted to make sure his son wouldn’t be witness to it. Points to pops for thinking ahead. Points to me for having party favors.
    “I know he’s sleeping with you, slut, now where is he?”
    “Not here,” I say moving away from the exit.
    This guy wasn’t getting anywhere near that back door while I was breathing.
    “He ain’t been home, ain’t answerin’ my calls and that’s ‘cause of you.”
    “I’m his boss, not his mother,” I clip and then I reminded myself this prick was law enforcement which meant if it came down to it, I’d have to let him hit me first. That way when the cameras picked it up and it was used as evidence, I wouldn’t go to fucking jail, again . Make no mistake, this man wanted to hurt me and I had to let him. I wouldn’t like it, but such was life.
    “All by yourself then, huh?”
    By appearance, I’m probably the least threatening thing in any room but everyone knows not to judge by appearance. Well, everyone but this guy. “I’m off duty,” he grinned at me in victory and it was a crying shame Shane took after his dad in the looks department. Seeing that he was working to intimidate me, I moved in his space and then past him, planning to show him the door. By putting myself in close proximity, I knew he’d grab me and when I was close, he did. “I’m talking to you, slut.”
    “Were you?” I ask looking down at his fingers roughly clutching my arm. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak dumbass.”
    When he backhanded me I didn’t fake my stumble, the man hit that hard and I was lucky I didn’t crumble. Laughing at my struggle, he pushes me in the chest forcing me to hit the bar top with my upper back. Not only did my body knock the bottles over, my breath left me in a whoosh and while getting my bearings, I was rewarded with a quick jab to the eye. Once my head recovered, I shook it and gave him my best smile.
    Now I could fight back.
    “Cut my boy loose,” he sneers down at me. “Or I will make your life a living hell.”
    With an uppercut, I split his lip which got his attention, but it was short lived when Axle and Shane stormed in.
    Shrieking in outrage, Shane lunges forward but I tagged him around the waist to stop him. I knew we made a sight with my arms around his waist and my feet dangling behind me on the floor while he attempts to drag me with him. “Let me go, Drew,” he roared wanting a piece of his dad who looked shocked he socked me in the first place.
    “Take him out back, Axle,” I instruct him.
    “I’d rather break this motherfucker’s neck, Drew,” he declares by clenching his fists.
    “Assaulting an officer wouldn’t be smart, asshole,” he warns Axle but never takes his eyes off me.
    “Never claimed to be smart. Thing is, I don’t see an officer,” Axle warns him while I did everything I could to keep Shane still and was losing the battle. “What I do see is a man who just made a serious mistake.”
    “No one will take your word over a cop’s, that’s a fact. Shane, get the fuck over here.”
    “Don’t move,” I whisper fiercely. As

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