A Twist of Date
locker room, sat on one of the uncomfortable metal benches, and pulled out a People magazine to keep me occupied while waiting for my Zumba class to start.
    After only a few minutes, Erica arrived, and stopped in front of me. “You’re avoiding me, just like you’re avoiding your mother.”
    Without looking up from my magazine, I flipped a page. “Not true.”
    I’d avoided my mom much longer. Totally different.
    “We’ve been friends for years, Mel.” She dropped down on the bench. “You can’t keep ignoring me.”
    “All evidence to the contrary.” I turned the page, and stared at an Oscar-nominee who wore a black, strapless gown, and heels splattered with diamonds . “Why does she have to wear seven figures worth of diamonds to cover her feet? Like any of us could really tell if she’d used cubic zirconia. Or, maybe she did . . . ”
    Erica snatched the magazine out of my hands. “I said I’m sorry for what I said about Matt. Are you ever going to forgive me?”
    “Stealing my People is not helping your cause.” I grabbed it back, but left it closed. “You messed things about between Matt and me.”
    Well, I’d messed things up, too, but she didn’t need to know about my part in it. It’s not like I was mad at myself. Much.
    “I know.” Her voice seemed to catch, which was odd. Erica never got emotional. “It wasn’t my intention and I wish I could go back, and be honest with you. But, I can’t. So, tell me how I can make things better between us, and I’ll do it.”
    Even though it was hard, I met her eyes. “Just give me some time. Okay?”
    “Time?” Her eyes grew large, as if she wanted to make sure I wasn’t just blowing her off.
    “Yes.” I shooed her off with my hands. “Let me sort this out on my own while you go have fun with Mario. You can tell me all about him next week. All right?”
    “Okay.” She stood slowly, seeming to understand our friendship wasn’t over. “Mario’s old news, but I’m sure I’ll have someone new by next week.”
    “Sounds good,” I said, and I meant it.
    After my second aerobics class, I headed for the locker room to shower, then tensed at the familiar ring from my cell. Pressing my lips together tightly, I fumbled for the phone, and slid my finger over the flashing green light. 
    Kaitlin. I’d already received three voicemails from her, and it wasn’t even ten in the morning. “Hello?”
    “I’m so glad I reached you.” Kaitlin’s panicked voice came through the line. “Please tell me you don’t have plans tonight. I have a cake tasting appointment, and I desperately need my maid of honor.”
    A cake emergency. Great. “Isn’t that something you’d want to do with P-P . . .”  His name stuck in my throat. “Your, uh, fiancé?”
    “I asked him to come, but you know men.” Kaitlin laughed as if she’d said the funniest thing in the world.
    “Not really.” It was so the truth. I hadn’t anticipated Brad dumping me. Then Matt, who’d once thought the world of me, now acted like touching me would be infectious. And the only pro about conversation with Nick was that we had nowhere to go but up. Knowledge of men? Me? Not so much.
    “So, you’ll be there for the tasting?” Kaitlin sounded hopeful. “Six o’clock? I’ll treat you to dinner after. Somewhere nice.”
    “Actually, I have class at six.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Going cake tasting for Paul and Kaitlin’s wedding ranked right up there with getting a spray tan in the middle of Arco Arena. “Sorry, but I can’t get out of work. It’s a set schedule every week.”
    “I understand.” She sounded unusually agreeable. “I’ll change the appointment to seven-thirty.” 
    Keeping my against my ear, I rolled my eyes at the ceiling. “Are they really open that late?”
    “Meet me in front of Dreamy Delights at seven twenty-five with your taste buds ready. You’re the bestest sissy ever. Bye-bye.”
    I stared at my cell phone screen. Call ended.

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