Reveal (A Wild Nights Novel)

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Book: Reveal (A Wild Nights Novel) by K.M. Golland Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Golland
his ravenous stare flexed my insides. “I’m a stage performer, Brad; of course I’m flexible. Part of my job is dancing, and dancing requires agility.”
    “That’s good. It’ll makes things easier.”
    I grabbed my ankles and bounced gently. “What things?”
    “Balance, control … positioning,” he said, his targeted sight unwavering.
    “Perfect.” I winked and placed my hands on the ground, shifting my weight onto them and locking my elbows tight, then pushing off the ground with my feet, I slowly spread my legs and raised them into a handstand position.
    “Fuck me,” he ground out, running his hand through his hair and resting it on his head.
    “Is that an invitation?” My voice was slightly strained as I focussed on keeping my balance.
    “You don’t need one, Em. It’s me who needs one from you.”
    Lowering my legs to the ground again, I stood up and pivoted to face him, stepping closer and resting my pointer finger on the edge of the tribal tattoo traversing his bicep. “Is that so?”
    The distance between us vanished when Brad’s hand settled on the small of my back, pulling me flush with his chest. “Just say the word.”
    Pounding. It wasn’t ‘the word’ in question. Although it was something I wouldn’t mind him doing to me right about now. Instead, it was what my heart was doing in my chest. Pound. Pound. Pound.
    Never had anyone had such a physical effect on me. Well, with the exception of H. But he and I had never met, never been in each other’s presence. Hell, we’d never even seen each other’s faces, yet he was the only other man who’d set my body alight solely with his need. H had a way with words, and words penetrated layers that touch could not.
    Tilting my head back, I searched Brad’s heavy, darkened eyes. “What word are you waiting for?”
    His lips parted, and—
    “You gonna teach her to surf or what?” Noah barked, flicking water on the both of us as he walked by.
    Brad’s grip released, and he turned toward his brother, glaring furiously. The victorious smirk Noah wore as be bent down and grabbed his water bottle from within his backpack was unmissable. It was incendiary, goading, and I all of a sudden worried what irate exchange it would surely stir. Shit! I didn’t want them to fight; they were brothers—twin brothers—and part of a professional group. And even though being in the centre of two broad, sculpted, and overly confident guys, embroiled in a battle of the cock was a delicious thought, I didn’t want animosity between them … animosity caused as a result of me.
    “Come on. Teach me your moves,” I coaxed, finding Brad’s hand and threading my fingers with his.
    Grabbing his hand worked to secure his attention, and he turned back to face me, staring momentarily at our entwined hands before looking up and smiling, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “With fucking pleasure.”
    Suddenly, I was elevated and tossed over his shoulder, resting in his hold with a bird’s eye view of his arse and striding legs. “Put me down, barbarian,” I shrieked, giggling as I bounced atop him with each step he took.
    He slapped my arse, hard. “Shush, woman.”
    The sharp sting his hand left on my skin was electrifying—harsh, but sensually intoxicating. It silenced my fight and dampened my swimsuit, and I wondered what type of kinky bedroom antics he’d be into. But now wasn’t the time for fantasising about bondage, especially when Brad stopped by the side of his surfboard, which was lying on the ground, ready for my lesson.
    Lowering me to my feet, the amusement he’d shown moments ago now amplified as he pointed to ground beside us. “Hands and knees beside the board, pixie.”
    I went to comply, dropping to my knees, but then stopped abruptly when the word ‘pixie’ registered. “What?”
    “Please,” he answered, confidently.
    “Screw your manners. But Pixie? Really?” My hand found my hip, a show of disapproval.
    “Yeah. You’re a

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