Reveal (A Wild Nights Novel)

Free Reveal (A Wild Nights Novel) by K.M. Golland

Book: Reveal (A Wild Nights Novel) by K.M. Golland Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Golland
mental image away for a revisit later on with BOB.
    “I want you to touch me.”
    My eyes snapped back to his. “What?”
    “It’s my turn.” He handed me the bottle of lotion and winked. “Make sure you don’t miss any spots. My body is my tool of the trade.”
    Shuffling to my knees, I turned around to face him and took the bottle out of his hands. “Oh, don’t you worry,” I said, popping the lid of lotion for emphasis. “I won’t miss a thing.”
    He grinned, big and bold, and I found myself wanting nothing more than to lick the sexy crinkle near his left eye. It was so fucking adorable.
    “Open your legs,” I said, lowering my voice.
    He swallowed heavily and scissored his thighs without protest.
    “Thank you.” I slowly shuffled in between them so that I could get closer to his chest, and during my shuffle, I grazed his cock with my knee.
    Brad’s traps tensed, as did the muscles in his neck.
    “Oops,” I said, adding a faux apologetic shrug when we both knew my knee graze was anything but accidental.
    He scooted forward ever so slightly,               so that my graze was more of a resting caress. “No sweat.”
    A sharp intake of air met my lungs, and it burned. It burned with need and desire, and it burned because the air surrounding us was pretty fucking hot in the first place, not to mention that I could now feel his more than noticeable erection. Water. I need water.
    Leaning to my side, I reached for my drink bottle and unscrewed the lid, straightening again before skolling the contents while watching him intently. A level of hunger I’d never seen before swirled like a storm in his eyes—thunderous lust, crackling need, and a spark of agonizing restraint. It was mesmerising, anticipatory, and oh so freakin’ sexy.
    A desired urge to heighten his brewing storm clawed at my body, so I allowed a drip of water to escape my mouth and fall to my chest. His gazed followed its descent and he licked his lips. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. And for the fucking hell of it … faaaaaark!
    Those lips! I wanted them on mine. And his tongue. I wanted that in my mouth, on my neck, down my chest, up my thigh, along my clit, in my pussy, and circling my arse. I wanted it all. Everything.
    Removing the bottle from my mouth with an exaggerated pop , I dipped my finger between my breasts to wipe the water’s trail. I then squeezed some lotion into my hands and pressed them to his chest, drawing his attention from my tits to my eyes.
    “You know,” I said, clearing my husky throat. “I’ve never surfed before, and I want to learn how.” I smoothed my hands onto his shoulders and up his neck, moving away strands of his dirty blond hair. “I noticed you brought your surfboard with you and was wondering if you might want to teach me.”
    Brad’s arms rose like a scarecrow’s so that I could rub them down as well, his gaze not leaving mine for a second. “You want to ride my board?”
    I bit back a warranted smile. “Yes, I do. But I want to learn to ride it properly.”
    “I can definitely help you with that.”
    Shuffling out from between his legs, I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled to the back of him, smiling satisfactorily when he adjusted his boardshorts. “Excellent! So can I ride your board today?”
    “Sure. As soon as you’re done rubbing me, I’ll introduce you to my sled.”
    I hummed my appreciation as my hands explored more of his physique. “Mmm … perfect.”
    “Okay, first things first … warm-up time.” Brad bear-hugged himself and rocked from side to side, stretching his shoulders. He lifted his arms over his head and grabbed his elbows, pulling them one at a time down toward his back. I followed suit, but laced my hands together and pushed toward the sky before bending forward and touching the sand between my feet.
    “You’re very flexible,” he choked out.
    Upside-down, I looked at him from between my parted legs. His eyes were fixed to my arse, and

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