Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance

Free Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance by Leona Lee, Bella Rose

Book: Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance by Leona Lee, Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leona Lee, Bella Rose
collect yourself in my room.”
    She led Natalia down the hall and opened a darkened room. Natalia sat on the bed and smiled weakly. “Thank you.”
    “Can I get you some water?”
    “No, I just need a few minutes to get my bearings. I’ll be down shortly. You’ve been so kind to me. Thank you.”
    “All right, dear. It can be overwhelming to be around all those people. Take your time.” Dorie thought she understood, but she had no idea.
    As soon as she was alone, Natalia felt the first tears prick her eyes. Her father had been a horrible person. He’d sculpted Alek into what he was today, and she was paying the price.
    But what could she do? She loved her father. He’d done so much for her in the short amount of time he’d known her, and she couldn’t possibly back out of her contract now. No doubt Alek would strike out in anger. He must have hated her father.
    Still hated him.
    She wrapped her hands around her body and rocked back and forth. She didn’t know if minutes or hours passed, but she couldn’t stop the onslaught of emotion. Hatred. Regret. Pity. Sympathy.
    Just because Alek was recruited as an orphan didn’t excuse the things that he did in the past. It certainly didn’t excuse what he was doing to her now. And just because her father did horrible things in the past didn’t mean he wasn’t a good father to her now. It didn’t mean she couldn’t love him for who she thought he was.
    She caught her breath and looked up. Alek stared at her from the doorway. She didn’t even hear him open the door. Quickly, she stood and tried to straighten her dress. God, what if she had wrinkled it on the bed? He’d probably be furious. The damn thing probably cost an arm and a leg. “I’m sorry. I’ll return to the party,” she muttered.
    As she tried to brush past him, he reached out and grabbed her elbow. “I shouldn’t have brought you here,” he said in a low voice.
    He was angry. “You told me not to make a scene. I didn’t make a scene,” she said frantically. “There was just so much going on downstairs, and I just didn’t think I fit it. Plus your ex looked like she wanted to rip my hair out. I just needed some place to collect myself.” Why was she even explaining herself to him?
    “Dorie told me what she told you. She shouldn’t have done that.” He sighed. “Get your coat. I’m taking you home.”
    “You are?” What would he do to her when they got home?
    “Yes.” He stared at her coldly. “Like I said, I shouldn’t have brought you here. The sooner we leave, the better.”
    She felt a bloom of fear as he steered her out of the bedroom. For the first time, Natalia realized that she was probably safer here, rubbing elbows with the snobby rich, than she would ever be alone with Alek.

Chapter Seven
    He was silent during the drive home. She threw a few wary glances at him before settling on staring out the window. The lights of the city blurred as her vision grew more and more unfocused. Even though she was away from the glitz and the glamour of the party, she still felt unsteady.
    “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that a glamorous party hides such a seedy past,” she murmured out loud. She hadn’t even realized that she’d spoken until she felt the air around her grow even more tense.
    “I’m not talking about my past,” Alek muttered. “And if you know what’s good for you, you will never bring it up again.”
    “That’s healthy,” Natalia said sarcastically as she stared out the window.
    “You and I are nothing,” he snapped heatedly. “Don’t believe for a second that this invitation for you to stay with me means we discuss personal matters.”
    “Invitation? You’re kidding me, right? Believe me, I have no sugarcoated thoughts about what this is,” Natalia hissed. The tension between them grew dangerously heavy, but she refused to be scared of him. “I doubt you’re even capable of a single drop of compassion for anyone other than

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