So Not a Cowgirl

Free So Not a Cowgirl by Starla Kaye

Book: So Not a Cowgirl by Starla Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Starla Kaye
hand, the sound of a ranch phone ringing in the stable caught their attention. As Drew looked in that direction, he noted Greg dashing from the side of the stable into it to snag the phone.
    A couple of seconds later, Greg came striding out to say, “Ms. Montrose, there’s some guy named Townsend calling. Said he wants to talk to you about a job or something.”
    Drew glanced in annoyance at Tanya, who looked surprised. “You’ve already got a job,” he snapped, earning a raised eyebrow from Greg. What the hell was he doing? This would be the perfect chance for him to see the backside of Ms. Tanya Montrose leaving his ranch. Still, he glowered at her and added, “At least for another couple of weeks.”
    Prancing by him, she said, “I thought you just told me to leave, today.”
    Greg interrupted, sounding all too pleased, “This Townsend guy seemed pretty anxious to talk to you.”
    Drew shot his friend a quelling glare, and then focused on Tanya, and stepped further into that “stupid” zone. “Today, next week, week after. Doesn’t matter to me. Do what you need to do.”
    She stopped in the doorway to the stable, a curious smile taunting him. “You’re a stubborn man, Drew Weatherford. Stubborn to the core.”
    “ Amen to that,” Greg added, strolling away with a chuckle.
    “ Take the damn phone call. Then put that notice back on my desk and leave it be.” He moved toward her instead of heading the other direction, which he should have done. “Oh, hell, just give it to me.”
    Her smile disappeared. “No.”
    He blinked. “No?”
    Obviously frustrated, she gave in and thrust the letter at him. “You’re being ridiculous.”
    His nostrils flared. “I’m still your boss. Still in charge. Don’t push me, unless you want to suffer the consequences.” Both knew what consequences he meant.
    They stood toe to toe, silently challenging one another. She didn’t like backing down. He was determined she do just that.
    “ I mean it. Tend to the bookkeeping, like I hired you to do. I’ll handle the IRS.”
    With a huff, she wobbled on the ridiculous heels into the barn. “You and your stupid consequences! ”
    Drew’s hand ached to reach out and swat her sweetly swaying bottom. Except, at the same time, another part of him wanted to touch her in a much more intimate manner. Which was dangerous. Which was what kept him from striding after her and giving her the spanking she’d been earning.
    As he dealt with his crazed emotions, he thought he heard her mutter, “Needs my help, stupid man.”
    He tensed. She really was pushing his buttons. Unfortunately, he was also afraid he really did need her help. Even more unfortunately, he wanted more than just accounting help from her.
    Tanya stormed into the stable and toward the phone next to the door. She’d been in here once before, only because she’d absolutely had to speak to Drew about a business-related phone call. It had taken all the courage she could muster at the time to do it because of her unease with animals…big animals, like horses and cows, ranch animals. Her stomach tensed at the smells that even a recent cleaning couldn’t get rid of. A glance around reassured her that all of the livestock were blessedly missing for the time being.
    She needed to forget the animals. She needed to forget that Drew was probably still standing only a dozen feet away, still angry with her about the IRS notice…and, she suspected, jealous of her getting a phone call from another man. That thought sent heat curling through her, and caused a smile to creep onto her face.
    Smiling, she grabbed the phone, turned to the open doorway, and spotted Drew watching her. No, he didn’t look happy at all. Well, she was unhappy with him, too. Tend to the bookkeeping . Grrrr. She was certainly capable of doing much more than that! This matter wasn’t settled, not by a long shot.
    “ Consequences be damned,” she grumbled, even as her buttocks clenched at just the vague

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