Hunt (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 1)
    “Mara and I have a packed schedule.” Ian’s face was hard. “Nice of you to come over, Evelyn.”
    She nodded tersely and walked away.
    “So that was weird.”
    “Weird isn’t the word I’d use.” He picked up his menu.
    I dropped the subject. I wasn’t sure why it bothered Ian so much. He wasn’t that into me. Yes there had been the intense moment at my house, but that was it. Otherwise we’d been like friends hanging out. Nothing more.
    The staring didn’t get any better, and I blindly ordered a steak while trying to avoid everyone.
    Ian didn’t seem as fazed by it as I was. He’d relaxed once Evelyn had returned to her table across the room.
    We sat in a comfortable enough silence while we waited for our food. He dug right into his plate, but I wasn’t very interested in mine.
    “Is the food okay?” He pointed to my barely touched steak. There was nothing wrong with the food, but the attention made it impossible to eat.
    “Yes, it’s great.”
    “How would you know?” He set aside his fork. “You haven’t eaten.”
    “It’s hard to eat with everyone looking at us.”
    “Well, that’s your fault you know.” He sipped his water. I’d expected him to order beer, but he’d stuck to the same beverage I was having.
    “How is it my fault?”
    “If you’d shown your face around here before this they wouldn’t be staring.” He set his water back down.
    “Nuh uh.” I shook my head.” This isn’t my fault. It’s yours.”
    “How is it mine?” He pointed to his chest.
    “It was your idea to come out.”
    “Actually it was Mrs. Peterson’s.” He smiled.
    “But you agreed. Readily. I did not.”
    “It’s still your presence that has them staring. If I was alone they wouldn’t do more than smile and wave.”
    “It might also have something to do with the way you keep leading them to believe this is a date.”
    “It is a date.” He took another bite of his steak.
    “No it’s not.”
    “How is it not a date?”
    “We’re eating dinner together because of Mrs. Peterson. That’s it.”
    “No. We’re eating dinner together because it’s a socially acceptable way for me to spend time with you.” He leaned toward me over the table. “If it were up to me we would be spending time together in other ways, and it wouldn’t involve having half the town staring at us.”
    “And you’re going to pretend that doesn’t have anything to do with sex?” I crossed my arms.
    “No. I’m not going to pretend, because pretending is getting me nowhere.” He pulled his shirt away from his body as if to cool off. “I’m going to start laying it out there for you.”
    “Lay what out?” I pushed my plate away a little.
    “I want you. I want you for many reasons. Some of those reasons involve sex.” His eyes heated. “Let me rephrase that. Many of those reasons involve sex, but others have nothing to do with sex. And tonight we’re focusing on all those non-sex reasons. Got it?”
    I was in shock. There was no other explanation for why I was nodding.
    “Good.” He smiled. “Glad we’re on the same page now. If people stop staring, will you eat?”
    I nodded absently, too shocked over his burst of honesty.
    “Good.” He slowly stood up. “Excuse me, everyone. This is Mara.” Ian pointed to me. “Yes, she’s new in town, and yes she’s beautiful. But we’d appreciate if you’d stop staring. Could you please do us a favor and enjoy your meal without watching us?”
    A few people nodded, a few laughed. And another few clapped. I slunk down in my seat. Dinner was turning out to be one of the most embarrassing situations of my life. I was mortified. Had he seriously just done that?
    “Oh, and she’s completely unavailable in case any of that staring relates to that question.” He pointed his gaze right at Evelyn. She turned red and looked away.
    “Is she unavailable because of you?” An older man called out.
    “What do you think?” Ian grinned.
    A few people clapped

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