A Cougar Among Wolves
and let the falling water spill over her head and shoulders with the hopes the tequila would minimize their memories of the sexually depraved cougar, come the morning. Worst case scenario, she could claim drunk and disorderly as the leading cause to save face the next day. For now, hiding out was her only reprieve.
    “Is there room for two more?” Seth’s velvety voice startled her. Klaya whipped around to find both brothers, shirtless, just feet away from her in the water. Her pulse raced. Butterflies took flight in her stomach.
    Klaya hugged herself, covering her exposed breasts, not sure of what their arrival meant. “I didn’t think you were interested.” Her teeth chattered from the cold.
    “Oh.” Rogue nodded with arched brows. “We’re interested.”
    “Talk about an understatement,” Seth interjected. “We aren’t supposed to….” He threw brother a pleading glance.
    “Ryker threatened to tear us a new one if we tried anything with you.” Rogue’s confession brought a flood of relief to her weary soul.
    “I see.” Still cautious of pending rejection, she treaded carefully. “And now?”
    “We aren’t sure how to read you, Klaya. With everything you’ve been through, we didn’t want to overstep....” Seth scrubbed his furry chin.
    “You aren’t. I wouldn’t have gotten through any of this without you, either of you.
    You saved my life,” she asserted.
    “Anyone would have stopped the hunters—” Seth began.
    “The hunters are not what I meant.” She inched closer to them. “The way you’ve been here for me. If I had been alone, I don’t know that I wouldn’t have given up, or gone on a suicide mission of revenge.” Finally, she had a chance to express her gratitude.

    “If you had any idea how much restraint we’ve had to use this week….” Rogue shook his head, torment marring his features.
    “My God, Klaya, from the moment we first saw you.” Seth’s sweet demeanor faded, and dark lust filled his eyes. “I’ve spent more time in this cold shower then I care to admit. The moment you were asleep, we’ve both had to cool off. We didn’t trust ourselves.”
    “I had no idea.” Excitement curled around her spine. “And now?”
    “Ryker may snap our necks.” Rogue inched closer to her. “A single night with you would be worth it. Your scent drives me over the edge.”
    “Drives us both. You’re the most gorgeous woman we’ve ever seen.” Seth moved closer.
    A shiver raced down her spine, and heat spread through her pussy. “You want me?
    Both of you do?”
    “Fuck yes,” they recited.
    “Then, take me.” She lowered her arms in surrender.
    The wolves approached and Klaya’s heart pummeled with excitement. Their hair dripped and glistened under the moonlight. Their bronzed skin encased perfectly chiseled muscles from their smooth chests all the way down their corrugated abs. Her breathing hitched.
    Rogue was the first to make contact. He cupped her face with both hands and drew her close, the heat of his sweet breath brushing over her face. He swooped down and planted a feathery kiss on her lips and then retreated, staring into her eyes with a smile. She raked her fingers through his mass of curly blond hair and pulled him closer for more. He claimed her mouth again, this time with urgency. Klaya’s knees buckled as his tongue curled around hers and swept the inside of her mouth. From behind, the delectable heat of Seth’s mouth trailed down the length of her neck along her shoulders. He smoothed his hands over her breasts and rolled her hardened nipples between his fingers.
    Lost in the passion of Rogue’s kiss, a pleasant surprise rubbed against the inside of her thigh, and another against the cheek of her ass. They weren’t only shirtless . She gasped with delight. Klaya dipped her head back as the brothers devoured her throat and 54

    shoulders. They stroked her skin and pressed their bodies tight against hers. The wolf sandwich

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