Find Me Maggie

Free Find Me Maggie by Beth Yarnall

Book: Find Me Maggie by Beth Yarnall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Yarnall
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
    “No.” She said the word with such conviction that Luc had trouble remembering the question.
    “We can do this here or at the station.” He removed his sunglasses and pinched the bridge of his nose to stay the beginning pangs of a headache. “The choice is yours.”
    “Then I choose not at all.”
    “Will you cooperate, or should I handcuff you for the ride?”
    Seconds ticked by with the speed of ice thawing at the North Pole. Then with a growl of aggravation and frustration, she reached for the belt of her shiny black coat. She removed it with lightning speed and flung it at him. It hit him square in the chest.
    Almost nothing could have prepared Luc for the sight of what she wore underneath the raincoat, and that’s what she wore: almost nothing.
    Car horns honked. Tires squealed. Traffic slowed, and Luc’s breath quickened. He felt himself grow hard.
    Her legs were long for her height, their smooth lines emphasized by sheer black stockings. Lord, he loved black stockings. The remainder of her ensemble was black as well and reached from the apex of her slender thighs to barely cover the tops of her breasts. There it ended in a wisp of white ostrich plumes that only enhanced the creamy satin of her skin. The fabric, slick and clingy from her own perspiration, molded itself to her every curve. Luc could only stare. Had he said something about handcuffs?
    “So that’s what the ears are for.” His voice was near a whisper. And if that’s what she did with bunny ears…. His mind wandered to fingerpaints and lassos.
    “You can forget it right now.” She stamped her foot for emphasis, sharply snapping the heel off her left pump.
    “Forget what?”
    “I don’t do parties.”
    Too bad. “That’s not what I was thinking at all.”
    “Sure.” She rolled her eyes, then glared at him. “Are you going to search me, or are you going to stand there and gawk?”
    Gawking sounded like a fine idea. So did a search. A long search that lasted all night and into the dawn. Instead, Luc tore his gaze from her slender form, cleared his throat and began to look through the pockets of her coat.
    Finding nothing, he held it out to her, hooked on the end of his finger. It was obvious she didn’t have anything concealed on her actual person. “You can put this back on now.”
    “Are you sure you don’t want to frisk me first?”
    Frisk her? He ought to arrest her. It should be against the law for a woman to look that good.
    “No,” he muttered instead, turning his head in delayed chivalry.
    As she reached for her coat, a car whizzed past, trailing a shrill wolf whistle behind on the fumes of its exhaust.
    Kaylee jerked her coat away from him and hurriedly shoved her arms into the sleeves.
    “I’d like to apologize again for your delay.” Luc tore the citations out of his ticket book and handed them to her without looking her in the eye. Little Kaylee had grown up nicely. “It was good to see you again.”
    He didn’t wait for her nod as he turned and walked stiff-legged back to his car.
    He opened the door, but stopped before folding his length into the luxury interior. He couldn’t leave without knowing. “Where did you say you worked?”
    She flashed him another of her gigantic smiles. “Self-employed,” she replied. Then she reached into her car and placed the furry ears on the top of her head. “I’m the Easter bunny.”

Find Me Maggie
    Beth Yarnall
    Oh, the hoops Maggie must jump through on the way to getting horizontal…
    A Maggie Mae Misadventure
    Tonight is the night that Maggie Mae Castro and her boyfriend, FBI Special Agent Clive Poole, will finally have thoroughly thought-out, all-options-weighed, completely premeditated, totally intentional sex. There’s just one little problem. Maggie’s twin brother, Miguel, is missing and his girlfriend begs Maggie to find him.
    Having seen Miguel’s rap sheet, Clive is sure this is just another stunt

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