Black Widow

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Book: Black Widow by Lauren Runow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Runow
Tags: Romance
and down on the couch just like she does every time she’s happy about anything. I guess she is rubbing off on me more than I thought.
    “Yay! I’m so glad to hear. But what happened afterward? Why is he over there and you’re over here?”
    I explained my feelings to her just like I did to him and she shrugs, saying, “Hey, I’m not one to judge, and neither is anyone else in here. If that’s what you want. I get it. Just glad you enjoyed yourself.”
    I give her a big hug, “I really did. This is exactly what I needed in my life. Thank you!”

I t’s Saturday morning and I’m lying in bed with a fucking hard on thinking about last night and how amazing it was with Eurydice. I don’t know why I can’t get her out of my mind. I’m the one that set up the rules. No real names, no identities, all so I wouldn’t get attached and here I am, laying in bed, thinking of her.
    The worst part, I know everything about her. Even though Becca is the one who did all of the research on each member, I still have her application which means I know her real name, what she does for a living and her fucking phone number. It’s staring me in the face, screaming for me to dial it but I can’t. It breaks every rule that I put in place to protect me.
    This fucking blows!
    I can’t even think about her real name. It’s Eurydice and I have to keep telling myself that’s all I know about her.
    I keep thinking back to the way she walked away from me. Like she got what she needed and was done. Is that why I can’t get her out of my mind? Because I didn’t get the aftercare? Or is it because she blew me off?
    No, I know it’s neither. I felt it. When I had my cock inside her I felt something different. It was amazing but fucking intense! If she hadn’t cum on my command I might have died trying to hold back. My orgasm shot down to my toes and I almost lost my balance as it ripped through me.
    I’ve never felt that before. Even with Kim.
    The thought stabs a sharp needle into my chest, which is exactly what I needed to kill the hard on that seemed like it was never going to go away.
    Note to self: when your cock won’t go down just think of your dead wife and how your actions made her kill herself.
    Shit, now I feel like I’m going to be sick.
    I hop out of bed and head straight to the shower. Becca and I are meeting at her salon. I had some things to discuss for getting new members and since she cuts my hair now, it worked perfectly to meet there since I was due for a trim.
    She’s her bubbly self, standing at the front desk as I walk in. Her smile makes me laugh as she slightly bounces up and down saying, “So, she’s good right?”
    I smirk, “Good morning to you, too.” I kiss her on her cheek, “Can I at least get my robe on before I’m drilled about last night?”
    “Oh, come on, you know me better than that. You’re lucky I didn’t call you last night.” She leans in, “I’m digging this Mr. Black guy. He kept me there very late and let me tell you, I am not complaining one bit at how tired I am this morning.”
    I hug her, “I’m glad, now come on, walk me to your station.”
    We walk back and I change into the robe before she walks me over to wash my hair. She stays quiet while other people are around but as soon as we are safely away from everyone and tucked into her station she lets loose, “Ok, spill it. She’s perfect for us, huh?”
    I try to hide my true feelings and keep my monotone expression. “Yeah, it was pretty good. Kind of weird how she just bailed on me afterward though.”
    “She said she explained it to you. Did I tell you she’s a lawyer? Her brain is very black and white. She doesn’t want to mix emotions. Makes sense really.” She tilts her head to me in the mirror, “That bothered you didn’t it?”
    I shake my head, “No, no it didn’t. Just thought it was weird. Maybe it was because it was her first time. I was fine.”
    “Liar,” she hits my

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