Black Widow

Free Black Widow by Lauren Runow

Book: Black Widow by Lauren Runow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Runow
Tags: Romance
Eurydice, you’re soaking wet. I made you that way. Remember that. Me,” he says with intense emotion as he slides his fingers inside, rubbing his thumb over my clit, making me erupt instantly in an intense orgasm.
    I feel my body clenching around his fingers as I start to convulse, pulling on my restraints and dropping my head down. I’ve never cum so fast in my life. I’ve also never been so turned on before. Ever.
    My breathing returns to a somewhat normal state when he removes his fingers, striping my panties down to my knees and climbing under the spanking bench. Before I can even think about what he’s doing, his mouth wraps around my clit, making me scream out in pleasure.
    He moves his tongue up and down my folds, lapping up every ounce of my juices and sucking softly on my clit. I’m still tied down, not able to move since he’s now wrapping his arms around my waist, holding my hips down to the bench. I’m at his complete mercy as his tongue dances around bringing me higher and higher.
    Pleasure rips my world apart so much that I’m having trouble breathing. My eyes roll back uncontrollably making it hard to see straight and I’m totally stuck to feel nothing but the bliss he’s putting on my body.
    He pulls away from me slightly only to say, “Give me number two,” licking me softly between each word.
    Just hearing his words along with him slowing down his movements make me want it even more. Sweat starts to form on my lower back again as my breathing thickens and just as I feel myself coming to the edge, he sucks on my clit, pressing his face firmly against me making me erupt for the second time in mere minutes of each other.
    Continuing his leisurely licks, long and slow, he calmly brings me back down to reality, helping to return my breathing to normal.
    “You’re so responsive, so beautiful. Are you comfortable here? Can I fuck you from behind?”
    I take a sharp breath in, not sure if I can handle much more.
    “I’m staying true to my word. I have to earn your trust, remember? I’ve made you cum twice so far, once with my hand, once with my mouth. Now I’m going to make you cum harder than you ever have before. Are you ready?”
    “Yes, Sir. I’m ready,” I say through panting breaths.
    He easily lifts from the ground. Rubbing his hands over my body, caressing all of my curves.
    I hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper and he walks around to show me what I hear. “I promised I’d keep you safe. I want you to watch me put this on, so you know I’ve kept you protected. You know I’m clean from the rules of this place, but know that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe from pregnancy as well.”
    I shake my head, whispering, “Thank you,” as he zips down his pants in front of me. He’s already removed his shirt and I’m dying to see more of him but with this mask on, and the fact that I’m still tied to the bench, I can’t see much.
    Once the condom is secure, he walks around to the back of me, rubbing my body from my shoulders to my ass. Leaning down, he wraps his strong arms around my waist, kissing the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
    “Are you ready for me Eurydice?”
    I feel him holding his cock in his hand, rubbing it up and down my slit, wetting himself with my moisture.
    “Yes, Sir. Please, take me.”
    “As you wish.”
    He slides into me with a slow motion, filling me a centimeter at a time, allowing my body to welcome him in. Once he’s fully inside, he pauses, pushing against my body, holding still.
    I wiggle against him, needing to feel some kind of movement, but he grabs my hips, holding them still once more and pulsating a fraction of space inside me.
    Groaning, I hear him take a breath before pulling out and slamming back inside me with the most intense pace, pounding his sexual attack. Shocked by his fast pace, but loving the feeling it’s building within me again, makes me scream out in pleasure.
    With my arms and feet still tied

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