Tempted by the Jaguar #2: Revelation (Riverford Shifters)

Free Tempted by the Jaguar #2: Revelation (Riverford Shifters) by Cristina Rayne

Book: Tempted by the Jaguar #2: Revelation (Riverford Shifters) by Cristina Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cristina Rayne
intimate touching at all.
    Maybe losing control of her first heat
wasn’t so surprising after all. Kylie absently wondered how Paul was going to
react to the change in relationship status of Hunter and her—
    “Oh crap!” Kylie suddenly cried, her
head shooting up and nearly making Hunter pull a clump of her hair out at the
root. “I forgot to call my dad back! He called me right after you left me
writhing on the floor from the heat.”
    Hunter frowned. “That makes me sound
like a complete douchebag, doesn’t it? I really am sorry you had to go through
that all by yourself for so long after I left.”
    Kylie surged up to kiss him softly. “You
don’t need to apologize at all. As far as I’m concerned, we dodged a pretty big
bullet there. The way my luck’s been going lately, I would have definitely
gotten pregnant.”
    “Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t feel rotten
about it. Should we be worried about your father showing up here?”
    “If I don’t call him soon, he’ll
definitely be pounding on my apartment door so hard that we’d hear him up here
before morning. I couldn’t completely hide how god-awful I felt from my voice,
so he could tell something was up. I lied and told him I thought I had the
stomach flu. He sent my friend, Molly, over with some medicine, and I was
supposed to call him before she left. Then Jennifer showed up just as Molly was
leaving, and I was so busy trying to explain who she was without giving
anything away that I completely forgot. I left my cell phone in the bag he sent
    “You can use mine,” he offered.
    Kylie shook her head. “He’d freak if I
did. He doesn’t know about you or any of this, remember? Plus, I’m supposed to
be sick in bed trying not to puke my guts up.”
    She reluctantly pulled herself away from
his warmth and sat back on her haunches beside him. “I need to go get the
change of clothes he sent over, anyway. In the meantime, can I borrow a t-shirt
and a pair of sweatpants or something?”
    Hunter snorted. “You’ll look like a kid
playing dress-up in her father’s clothes.” His eyes traveled down the length of
her body that was now on full display before he gave himself a hard shake and
sat up as well. “Let me get it for you. I imagine you’re probably feeling
pretty sore right now.”
    Kylie felt a momentary panic before she
forced herself to give him a sour look. There was no way she could let him
anywhere near that bag while the bracelet and Paul’s toothbrush were still
inside, so she couldn’t afford for him to get suspicious now.
    “Exactly,” she huffed. “That’s why
there’s no way I’m letting you go anywhere near that apartment and its
pheromones of doom! As delicious as you look right now, I really don’t think my
body can handle that monster again tonight!”
    He grinned, looking entirely too smug
for her peace of mind. “Don’t worry. The beauty of being a shifter is that we
recover fast.”
    Kylie fingered the tender place on her
collarbone that likely sported Hunter’s teeth marks. Yeah, she definitely
didn’t want Paul seeing the wound. She needed time to figure out how to explain
to him why she had decided to get involved with Hunter at such a dangerous time
that didn’t involve the words “hot body.”
    “Great. Now, if you’re finished looking
like the Cheshire Cat’s sexy cousin, I’m going to dig in your closet for a
    “It might be best if I put some clothes
on, too,” Hunter said, getting up and following her somewhat stilted gait
across the room to the closet. “Pheromones or not, it’ll be hard to resist you
once you come back to bed if I’m still naked.”
    “You’re insatiable,” Kylie scolded,
though she wasn’t irritated in the least. Just thinking about all the wild and
passionate sex they had just had sent a flair of heat into her sex that had her
squeezing her legs together.
    After throwing on a white t-shirt and a
pair of black sweatpants that she was practically swimming

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