The Experiment

Free The Experiment by Elliot Mabeuse

Book: The Experiment by Elliot Mabeuse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elliot Mabeuse
Tags: Romance
cooed. “It’s okay. Can’t you make it?”
    Ms. Liu gasped and stiffened and Zoe could feel the tension in her small body. “Oh I’m so close!” she whispered, a shudder in her voice. “So close!”
    Zoe was horrified at the way Amy’s hands were now punishing herself, plunging the buzzing dildo into her pussy with her left hand while the right pushed and rubbed against her clitoris. She put her hand over Amy’s right and gently pushed her fingers away, and for the first time since college, she touched another woman’s sex, softly, tentatively.
    Amy groaned deeply and used her free hand to pull Zoe to her. Zoe felt the girl’s whole body tremble with need.
    “Please! Just touch me! I’m so close!” Amy breathed, and Zoe began to softly rub her clit, teasing her, barely making contact. Amy was so incredibly soft, her flesh so vulnerable, but Zoe’s touch was like fire to Amy’s needy body. She gasped and spread her legs wide.
    “Yes! Oh! Oh!” She was beyond words, but Zoe knew just what she was feeling, trapped on that knife-edge between sensory overload and relief. She had been there often enough herself and she ached with understanding. She pressed Amy’s head back against her shoulder and held her like a child, and the feel of that warm and trembling body in her arms was just sweet and so much what she needed. It touched something deep inside her, just being close to another human being, and her fingers played over Amy’s vulva, arousing her, comforting her, making her tremble.
    “Just let it happen,” she whispered into Amy’s ear. “Don’t try so hard. Just relax. I’ve got you. Just feel me touching you. Relax, baby. Relax.”
    But Amy’s whole body was shaking with erotic tension. Zoe had never felt a woman so aroused and when Amy turned her blind face to her, Zoe couldn’t resist. Her heart overflowing, her own excitement at a fever pitch, she instinctively kissed the girl’s swollen lips and Amy kissed her back, hungrily, urgently. Zoe could tell the girl was falling into orgasm from the uncontrolled passion of her kiss, could tell Amy was losing it on her hand and she increased her pressure, pushing her, demanding that she yield.
    “Oh God!” Amy cried, pulling her mouth away. “Oh God!”
    Amy’s eyes were clenched shut, her mouth open and slack. Zoe tapped lightly on Amy’s swollen little clit and the Asian girl screamed harshly, then bucked as her orgasm surged through her body, sobbing and moaning as her body was racked by spasms of delicious release.
    Zoe felt a totally unexpected, sympathetic orgasm ripple through her as she clung to the climaxing girl, and their gasps and their sobs mingled inseparably, just as their shared pleasures merged them into one. Amy’s mouth spread into a broad smile as she felt Zoe shaking in the throes of her own release. They were not just two women now. They were two lovers, their sex immaterial and Zoe clung to her and rode the deep plunge into pleasure with her until Amy’s body lost all strength and collapsed weakly into the chair, the vibrator falling buzzing to the floor.
    Zoe slowly untangled herself, found the vibe and shut it off. She sat naked on the floor, her head against Amy’s thigh, panting and pushing her long dark hair back from her face.
    She looked up, and under the desk light she saw the Doctor’s hands count out a stack of fifty-dollar bills. She knew that there would be ten of them there, just as he’d said.
    She heard him stand up and he said, “Shall I have Delores bring some towels?”
    Amy composed herself enough to shake her head.
    “Ms. Alexander?” the Doctor asked.
    Zoe shook her head as well. She looked into the darkness where he must be, wanting him to feel her hatred.
    “Then I shall bid you good night, ladies. Amy, you’ll tidy up and lock up? Good. Then, until next time…”
    Zoe saw the door open and the Doctor’s form silhouetted there against the red light, and for a moment he looked like the

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