
Free Unknown by Nabila Anjum

Book: Unknown by Nabila Anjum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nabila Anjum
I'm not interested in fishtailing my ass on the snow when it needs to be thawed", I snap, giving my temper a free, long deserved outlet.
    "No one's stopping you , though. There are plenty of others to keep you company on the skating arena, so you go right ahead", I conclude and make my way towards the cafe without a backward glance.
    From afar, Kate watches the entire exchange with a smirk and sends me a thumbs up sign before walking inside ‘Pies and Pretzels'.
    “So we have six rooms.”
    I was on my second pie, a very yummy looking, mouth-watering apple pie with my name on it, when Kate begins with the unappetizing conversation.
    "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry Beth. I'd made hotel reservations last month back when I didn't know… Anyways, I phoned them yesterday but they just don't have an extra room, double or single, available before Christmas", Drew explains to Beth, throwing in an apologetic glance.
    "It's perfectly alright, I completely understand. It's the holiday season after all", smiles Beth, absently licking off the pie crumbs from her fingers. Now that's one thing I'd like to do. Lick and lick those pie crumbs from her fingers all day. And speaking of pies…
    “It’ll be fine. We’ll adjust her in one of the rooms”, this from Joanna who sat at the far end, daintily and delicately chewing on her chocolate pretzel.
    "But which room Jo? We could adjust her in our room, but you flail like a bat while sleeping. You'll end up kicking her boo.." contributes Heather, much to my amusement and her sister's very obvious discomfort.
    "Shut up! Of course, she cannot sleep on the same bed. Perhaps, they'll provide us with extra bedding?"- Joanna offers generously.
    "Fine. But make sure it's nowhere near your end of the bed. You may accidentally fall on her, you know"- chirps Heather, oblivious to the dark glares being sent her way. She opens her mouth again, perhaps to relate some other vital piece of information, when Joanna begins to choke on her thoroughly chewed on pretzel, while I stifle a grin and concentrate on mine.
    "I'm sure she can stay with me in my room"- this from Prudence Hathaway, a sweetheart girl and my favorite cousin from my mother's side, who was sharing a room with Jack Monroe, more formally known as Jacqueline.
    "But babe, won't it be uncomfortable with her during…. you know…. our late night discussions"-from Derek Monroe, which promptly elicits a wolf howl from Reid, Prudence' brother, while the rest of us watch Derek's Adam's apple bob in fascination, pies forgotten. Priceless.
    I take a chance and steal a secretive glance at Beth. Again. She ends up peaking at me at the same time and our gazes collide. Again. We quickly avert our gazes. Again.
    "Or she could stay with us", grins Ryder and promptly cringes in pain after receiving a well-deserved kick to the shins from the opposite end, where Kate sits innocently, devouring her pie.
    Yeah. No way in hell.
    Just as I am about to open my mouth and put an end to all speculations by informing them about the extra beddings that would go in my room, now that I knew about Derek's late night plans, and Reid was willing to partner up with Josh and Bennet, she ,in that calm quietly musical voice of hers I'd come to love-hate, begins a fresh set of arguments by stating "I think it's best if I stay in Grandma Nettie's cottage, under the circumstances".
    "Don't be absurd Beth", I chide angrily, when a minute ago I was happily contemplating the sleeping arrangements. "Grandma's cottage is a good 2 miles from here. I cannot allow you to stay there by yourself".
    'Allow her' was perhaps laying it a bit too thick I know, but honestly, why couldn't she listen to me and keep it simple for once? While I was busy making plans to get her to my room with me, willing to sacrifice my comfort space for hers, she was making plans to sleep miles apart, away from me and my comfort space. Alone.
    "I don't

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