Vampirates 4: Black Heart
where he was. He raised himself into a sitting position. As he did so, something fluttered away from his chest. At first, he thought it was a moth, but glancing down he saw that it was a small card -- a playing card -- that now lay facedown on the sand. He reached out and turned it over, lifting it up to the moonlight. It was like no playing card he had ever seen. It was the jack of hearts, but the hearts were black. And so, too, was the lipstick mark that covered the design. Where had the card come from? What did it mean?
    Stukeley was stirring beside him. Johnny could see another playing card in his hand. What had happened to them both? Why couldn't he remember? Lately, their bouts of blood-taking seemed to be inducing some kind of amnesia.
    "Hola," he said as Stukeley sat up beside him.
    "All right, mate," Stukeley said. "I just had the best sleep ever. Really deep and peaceful."
    "Me, too," Johnny said.
    "Why are you frowning, then?" Stukeley asked.
    Johnny pointed. "What's that in your hand, hermano?"
    "In my hand?" Stukeley glanced down curiously. "Some kind of playing card." He lifted it up close. "The king of hearts. But it's black. I was never much for cards, but hearts aren't supposed to be black, are they?"
    Johnny shook his head slowly. "Hearts are not supposed to be black," he said.
    "Where did we get these?" Stukeley asked him.
    Johnny shrugged. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was you and me, setting off across this beach. How about you?"
    "The same," Stukeley nodded.
    Suddenly, the air was filled with a deafening noise.
    "The ship's siren!" Stukeley exclaimed, jumping to his feet.
    "It can't be shipping out already!" Johnny said. "Not without us."
    "Come on," Stukeley said. "Something's wrong here. We need to get back onto the Blood Captain now!"

    The Vagabond was a much smaller ship than the Blood Captain, which gave it certain advantages. One was speed. Another was the ability to hide itself in the shadows of an inlet. All the same, Lady Lockwood had conjured a veil of mist to ensure the ship was screened from prying eyes. Fortunately, this would not prevent her from looking out. She stood in her cabin, her telescope trained out to sea.
    There was a knock on the door. "Enter!" called the captain, standing up and rearranging her full skirt.
    Marianne and Angelika entered, followed by Jessamy and Camille. Between them, the four women were carrying four wine bottles and five glasses.
    "We thought you might like to taste some of the latest harvest," Marianne said.
    "Absolutely!" Lady Lockwood said. "Would you be an angel, my dear, and pour?" Marianne nodded. Assisted by Angelika, she poured a small measure of liquid from the first bottle into each of the glasses.
    Jessamy and Camille stepped forward.
    "Another successful night?" Lady Lockwood asked them.
    Jessamy nodded. "It's almost too easy," she said.
    Lady Lockwood smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, my dear. I have plans to up the stakes very soon." She reached out and accepted the glass offered by Marianne. "So tell me," she said, swirling the glass to unleash the scent. "Where is the Blood Captainheaded next?"
    "Well," said Camille. "According to our sources ..."

    The siren sounded a second and last time as Johnny and Stukeley jumped down onto the main deck. They both knew the implications of this. They were supposed to be the ones who sounded the ship's siren, calling the straggling Vampirates back to the ship, bringing the night's feasting to a close. They were not meant to be the last ones to return.
    All around them were their crewmates. They seemed restless, almost feverish. This was not their usual state after feasting. Typically, at this point, the men were slumped around the deck or down in their cabins.
    "Something's wrong," Stukeley said to Johnny again.
    "Where's the captain?" Johnny asked.
    Stukeley looked around. "I don't know -- but let's just hope he hasn't noticed we're late."
    But he had. At that very moment, the captain was

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