Burnt River

Free Burnt River by Karin Salvalaggio Page A

Book: Burnt River by Karin Salvalaggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Salvalaggio
took an honorable discharge instead. No shame in that.”
    “Then why are you telling me?”
    “Because last night he was doing the kind of shit he used to do before he was going out on patrol. To tell you the truth, I don’t even think he realized it.”
    “Could he have been doing it all along? You’ve only been on leave for a few weeks.”
    “I was worried how he was adjusting so I was keeping a close eye on him. I’m telling you now. He was different last night. Dylan might have noticed too, but he left a good hour before John, so he didn’t see it.”
    “Did you say something to John?”
    “I tried to, but Connor was hanging all over him so I didn’t get a chance.”
    Macy looked at her notes. “Who’s Connor?”
    “I was looking after my nephew last night. He stays over sometimes when I’m in town. He idolizes John. This is gonna break his heart.”
    “I think it’s going to break a lot of hearts.”
    “Connor is only six. He won’t understand much. I guess that makes it easier.”
    “Did John often stop at the bar?”
    “Maybe. It’s the only thing open around here after ten at night.”
    “What about the woman who works there, Lana Clark? I hear they were in a relationship.”
    Tyler snorted. “I guess you could call it that. I think John was trying to take a walk on the wild side. Lana wasn’t good for him.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “Well, for starters she’s a class-A mind fuck.”
    “Would you care to elaborate?”
    “John didn’t see her for what she really is. Big hair, big tits, big ass. What’s not to like? But believe me when I say the woman is a total bitch.” He took out a pack of cigarettes and tapped them on the table. “John was a great friend. I only wanted what was best for him.”
    “How well did you actually know her?”
    “I knew her back in Georgia. We all did. She lived near Fort Benning. We all used to hang out together. She knew he was with Tanya but that wasn’t stopping her. I could tell she had her eye on him.”
    “Did John know you disapproved of Lana?”
    “I’m not one to keep things to myself.”
    “I’m getting that.”
    “John wasn’t happy with what I had to say, but it didn’t go both ways. It wasn’t like I was angry at him for making an ass out of himself with Lana. I figured he’d figure it out eventually all on his own, so I let it drop.”
    Macy checked the time. “I read in your file that you’re due to join your unit again soon.”
    “Two weeks from today.”
    “I put in a request for Hawaii but they had other ideas.”
    “Given your battalion is still in Afghanistan I’m surprised you were granted extended leave.”
    “I’d accrued a lot of time off. If I didn’t use it, I’d lose it. I took a chance and requested an extension.” He looked her in the eye. “I guess they were feeling generous.”
    “I’m sorry but I need to ask about the two hundred pounds of ammonium nitrate that were found in the back of your truck ten years ago.”
    He stared at her for a few seconds before answering. “Never apologize for doing your job.”
    “You testified that you had no idea how it got there.”
    “That is correct.”
    “The judge didn’t believe you. You were sentenced to two years’ probation.”
    “He remembered me from when I was going through the juvenile courts. He wasn’t about to give me the benefit of the doubt.”
    “Neither was Jeremy Dalton.”
    “I made my peace with Jeremy years ago. He made a mistake but I decided to forgive him.”
    “So no hard feelings?”
    “None. My time in the army has been the best years of my life. No regrets.”
    She slid her card across the table. “I want you to contact me or Aiden if you think of anything that could be helpful.”
    “This wasn’t a robbery, was it?”
    “I’m not at liberty to discuss the details of the case.”
    “I’m right though. I can tell from the questions you’re asking me. It doesn’t add up.”
    Macy leaned back in her

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