Kingdom Come
young, Ethan, and I snapped. I had to be admitted that night, too.”
    I squeezed my eyes closed. No crying. This wasn’t about me. It wasn’t about my issues, or about my family’s. There were people in the circle who’d had just as hard a life as me, if not worse. And even though my heart ached, everyone else had scarred hearts, too. Instinctively, my fingers traced the empty spot on my wrist. Ethan’s hand closed over my fingers, stroking my wrist with his thumb. When my eyes popped open, he raised a questioning brow. 
    “Mom gave me a bracelet the next morning,” I whispered. “She gave one to both of us, as a reminder that no matter how isolated we felt, we were never alone. Not in spirit, anyway. It wasn’t much—just a little black stringy-thing with a cross attached to it. But it meant the world to me because it meant that she finally got it. She finally knew just how alone, how trapped, my sister and I both felt in our heads.”
    As he held my gaze, Ethan slid his hand down my wrist until his fingers linked through mine. If I thought my heart raced while running from a tornado, it was nothing compared to now. Forget the campfire, just his touch set every inch of my skin ablaze. There was so much concern in his eyes, but there was something else—something I couldn’t quite place.
    “Where is it now?”
    “Hmm?” I asked, blinking rapidly.
    The corner of his lips turned up into a sad smile. “The bracelet.”
    “Couldn’t bring it,” I said. “Center rules, ya know?”
    He was so close— so close —that I could feel his breath against my lips. Never had I screamed at someone to kiss me, but I was getting to the point of making an exception. That’s when his face faded away, taking with it the crackling of the fire and the voices surrounding us.
    The heat radiated from the flames, making me jump back in terror.
    “No,” I whispered. Not now. Ethan’s face came back into view for a split second, his eyes wide with confusion. I tried to focus on those eyes. Maybe they could keep me grounded. Maybe they could keep me in reality.
    No luck.
    The brilliant glow of orange grew by the second until it consumed the entire forest, and all I could do was gaze in shocked wonder. It was a strange sort of beautiful. And then, it came right toward me.
    I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came. I struggled to run, but my feet were planted firmly in the dirt. I’d been here before. I’d survived this before. So why couldn’t I survive it now?
    I was brought back to the present by the sound of my own screams.
    My breaths came in heavy pants as Ethan’s face slowly came into focus once again. Moments ago, his expression was one of concern. Now, it was one of panic.
    “Again?” he asked.
    I tried to answer, but no words came; only a sob broke free. I hunched over to hide my face, partly because of shame, partly because I just couldn’t take the stares anymore. I was tired of being the freak. Poor, crazy Kerrigan.
    Hands squeezed my shoulders from behind. “Come on, girl,” Danny said from behind me. “Let’s go get you set up with a blanket.”
    I attempted to stand, but my knees buckled the second I put weight on them. Danny caught me under my arms, thankfully keeping me on my feet. The visions had never been this strong before. I’d never felt this weak, this helpless, afterward. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean, and frankly, it scared the crap out of me.
    Once I was somewhat balanced, Danny guided me away from the group and toward the shack. Unable to stop myself, I cast one final glance over my shoulder, and immediately wished I hadn’t. I’d never forget the look on Ethan’s face: fear. He was scared of me.
    I couldn’t blame him. I was scared of me, too.

Chapter 8
    Throughout my life, I’d spent days at a time in the hospital. It was just as Haven said—parents are always trying to find some kind of magic cure. I was used to being treated like a freak of nature. But

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