Surrender to the Sea (Lords of the Abyss Book 4)

Free Surrender to the Sea (Lords of the Abyss Book 4) by Michelle M. Pillow

Book: Surrender to the Sea (Lords of the Abyss Book 4) by Michelle M. Pillow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle M. Pillow
losing Brutus. She didn’t understand why or how it was possible, but she physically ached at his absence. Lying awake at night in his bed, alone, smelling him on the pillow had been so torturous she’d moved onto the couch to be able to fall asleep.
    “It would have to be the pool. Saltwater transforms.”
    “Fine. Let’s do it.” She nodded nervously. Laurel moved as if to go to the pool only to stop. “Is it going to hurt?”
    “I don’t remember.” The king gestured that she should walk with him, as he again tried to lead her away from the surfacing area. “Don’t you know? Brutus rescued you from drowning.”
    “I meant the transformation,” she clarified. “And I was barely conscious during the drowning part.”
    “You will not find out today. I cannot allow it. You will wait for your husband to return and then—”
    “If you don’t want me finding a way to go after them, you’re going to have to tell me what is happening. I need to know. Why are the Olympians after your people? Who are they?”
    King Lucius looked as if he wouldn’t answer.
    “Brutus is out there,” Laurel insisted. “He said you would help me. How you can assist me is by explaining what is going on. I did not choose to come down here, but I’m here now. And don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be saved from death, but I need to know.”
    “I suppose there is no harm in telling you what everyone already knows. At least, if it comes from me, I’ll be assured you have the facts.” King Lucius sighed in resignation. “The Olympians are a group of women who do not value life as the Merr do. They are a small sect of mermaids that reside in a region nicknamed Mt. Olympus. Recently, it came to our attention they were luring human men down to be their slaves. They did not allow these men to transform to be like us, and from what we can gather these men were not in danger of drowning when the mermaids took them. We only save those who have little to no chance of survival. It is the law. If the human men disobeyed their mistresses, they were killed. We discovered how the Olympians were leaving the dome, and we took steps to ensure they could no longer get out. Their queen was less than pleased and has been trying to cause trouble ever since. It is our belief she has something to do with these earthquakes. Her followers have been found outside of their territory by the dome. Caderyn questions one of them now, so that is all I can tell you.”
    “We must do something,” Laurel stated. “You said they have been trying to break the dome. What will happen to everyone if they succeed?”
    “Our world will end, and we will become lost in the ocean.”
    “Then let me go into the water to help Brutus.” Laurel insisted. The king motioned in denial. “I have to do something. Let me do something.”
    “No. Right now our task is much more difficult. We have to wait and trust those in the water can handle themselves.”

Chapter 15
    “ I ’m not waiting around to hear if evil mermaids attacked Brutus.” Laurel side-eyed Bridget while her face was still turned upward toward the very dark blue sky. The color had to of come from the ocean, yet it was daytime inside the dome. She thought of all the water on top of her, pressing down. She couldn’t hold her breath and return to the surface. If the mermaids succeeded, and the dome caved in, she’d drown. Then, apparently she’d be reborn to wander the ocean forever.
    “The king wants you relaxing. Try not to think about it,” Bridget said. She kept her voice soft, but Laurel could see the woman’s concern lining her tired eyes.
    “I can’t explain it, but I know Brutus is out there. I feel him. Like a beacon calling to me, pulling me in his direction. I have given myself a migraine trying to communicate with him. I can’t hear him in my head. I should be able to hear him in my head. You said I would be able to. Aidan told me that when I transform the ability becomes stronger. So,

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