Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7)

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Book: Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7) by Jessie Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie Donovan
Tags: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal
    “Mostly,” Bram answered. “However, if you fail to capture Simon Bourne in the next six months, you’re going to be kicked out of the armed forces and handed over to the DDA.”
    He squared his shoulders. “Then I’ll just make sure not to fail.”
    Nikki swallowed her latest bite of fish and glared up at him. “You are aware that you saying it will be done doesn’t mean it’ll actually happen.”
    Rafe met her gaze. “Of course it will. I vow right here and now to be there for my child. Once I make a vow, I see it through, no matter the cost.”
    Jane pointed a finger at Rafe. “Not exactly true. You vowed to become a superhero as a child. That never happened.”
    “Janey,” he growled in warning.
    Nikki touched his arm and he met her gaze. “I’ll vow, too. The two of us together should be enough to see it through.”
    He knew Nikki well enough that the determination in her eyes told him all he needed to know. However, he wondered if her vow also meant she wanted him to stay.
    He’d just have to find out once they were alone. “Right, then that’s settled. We’ll have Bourne before you even start waddling.”
    “Rafe—” Jane began.
    Nikki cut her off. “I’m not going to waddle.”
    Bram took a step forward. “Enough. There’s one more requirement.” As soon as Rafe met Bram’s eyes, the clan leader continued, “Having a human male living on Stonefire, who is military no less, will make many of the clan members uneasy. It’s best if you stay with Nikki. She can protect you from the clan.”
    Nikki’s dad, Hector, nodded. “Good. I can keep an eye on him under my roof.”
    Bram shook his head. “No, Hector. Nikki and Rafe are going to take one of the small, empty cottages and share it.”
    Hector’s eyes flashed. “There’s no way I’m allowing my daughter to shack up with a human male. I know nothing about him. He didn’t even ask my permission before agreeing to the mate-claim frenzy.”
    “Dad,” Nikki interjected. “Enough. I love you, but Rafe was right earlier—I’m an adult now. I’ll visit as often as possible, but it’ll be easier for Rafe and me to focus on our tasks if we have a place to ourselves. Besides, you don’t want him to be thrown in jail if we fail, and have your grandbaby grow up without a father, do you?”
    Rafe wondered what game Nikki was playing at. Not ten minutes ago, she’d barely agreed to think about keeping the baby.
    Still, whatever it was, her father’s expression turned into one of resignation. “I just want what’s best for my baby girl. I nearly lost you once, and I don’t want it to happen again.”
    Nikki stood and moved to her father. Engulfing him in a hug, she murmured, “I’ll be fine, Dad. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
    All the other dragon-shifters in the room shuffled their feet or rubbed the backs of their necks. Even Delphine was looking at Hector and Nikki with teary eyes.
    Rafe hated being in the dark. One of his first tasks would be drilling Nikki on her past. If there was anything that could come back to harm her, he needed to know.
    Clearing his throat, Bram broke the silence. “Right, then with that settled, I’ll let the DDA and British Army know you’ve accepted their terms. Kai and Jane can show you to your new place since it’s next door to theirs.”
    Rafe blinked. “What?”
    Kai met his gaze, and the corners of the dragonman’s mouth curled up. “It’ll be easier to keep an eye on you.”
    “Surely there’s another empty cottage?”
    “That one was just vacated by a Protector who went to foster with Lochguard in Scotland. It’s the best—and only—option you have.” Bram turned toward the back door. “Keep me updated on everything.”
    Once Bram was gone, Hector pierced Rafe with his blue-eyed stare. “Hurt my daughter and I will personally drop you from a very great height.”
    Before Nikki could reply, Rafe jumped in. “Hurting Nikki is the last thing I plan on

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