Predator's Serenade

Free Predator's Serenade by Rosanna Leo

Book: Predator's Serenade by Rosanna Leo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanna Leo
okay, Soren?”
    “Yeah,” he muttered, mesmerized by the innocently seductive movement of her lips as she talked. “Just dandy.”
    * * * *
    Lunch had proven to be an exercise in excruciating pain. Wes had monopolized the entire conversation, and Soren had had to excuse himself to have a number of not-so-polite chats with unmated males who kept swerving by their table. It was exhausting. He was so relieved when some other mated dude approached the table and challenged Wes to a game of darts. Gioia had urged her cousin to go. Right on cue, Gunnar disappeared, heading for the conference room once more.
    Soren and Gioia eyed each other over the table, the remnants of their fish and chips between them. Taking the bull by the horns, Soren stood and reached for her hand. “Walk with me.”
    She stumbled after him out of the restaurant. “I don’t want to take up your time. I’m sure you have things to do.”
    He did have things to do. He owed a composition to the New York Philharmonic, and they’d want to collect it soon. Soren realized he hadn’t given his work a thought since arriving on Gemini Island. He’d been too taken up in Gioia’s family and plight…and her scent. He couldn’t even think about composing now. Not with his bear creating such a damned furor inside him. Did she taste as good as she smelled? “We won’t be long.”
    “But Gunnar…”
    “Your son is fine. You can spare a few minutes. I just want to walk with you.”
    “Oh.” Her whispered response put him even more on edge.
    I need to know if she’s my mate. I can’t continue like this .
    Soren almost dragged her into the woods and toward one of the hiking trails. It was his favorite trail on the island, if he had to pick one. It boasted a boardwalk that ran along a peaceful stretch of the lake. It was quiet there, with few hikers, as most of the serious outdoorsy types preferred the trails that delved into the deep woods.
    He listened to her soft footfall on the wooden planks below them, and all the while her scent called to him. Peaches and vanilla and something else…
    She was wet. Upon sensing the musky, feminine perfume, his cock pummeled the seam of his jeans. Jesus Christ .
    Desperate to touch her with some sort of intimacy, Soren slid his arm around her waist as they walked. He waited for her to jump away, but she didn’t. In fact, she almost leaned into him. Good. He suddenly had the desire to be her freaking Rock of Gibraltar. “You’re a good mom, Gioia,” he whispered.
    Her bottom lip wobbled and formed a smirk. “Not everyone agrees with you. People have made comments…”
    He frowned at her. “Fuck those people. What do they know?”
    She arched a black brow at him. “And what about you? Have you ever wanted kids?”
    He put the back of his hand to his brow in mock horror. “God, no.” He grinned, until he realized she wasn’t grinning in return. He got serious again. “But I still know it’s a hard job. I know our mom and dad had a rough time with Ry and me when we were growing up.”
    “They did?”
    “Sure. I wasn’t always the pillar of confidence you see before you now,” he joked. “I may not understand everything Gunnar’s going through, but I probably understand most of it. It’s not easy being different in a world of people who seem the same.”
    “How did you handle it?”
    “With my fists,” he said laughing. “Not the best approach, I admit. But for my brother and me, it was sometimes the only approach, especially when confronted by big, human bullies.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said quietly, her shoulder brushing under his.
    He grinned at his remembered follies. “Oh, don’t worry. We usually gave what we got. But it wasn’t easy for our folks. Not only did they have to deal with two grouchy bear sons, they had to deal with bear sons who weren’t even the same species.”
    “You and Ryland aren’t the same sort of bear?”
    “Nah. He’s a grizzly. I’m a polar. Freaks

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