Falling Softly: Compass Girls, Book 4
shoulder. “Take a break, man. Maybe hang around until Sienna shows up. She’s a nurse. You should have that checked out. I made a similar mistake recently, underestimating a flesh wound. Trust me, you don’t want to go through what I did.”
    “He’s not joking. His hand was like a watermelon. He could have lost it. Or worse,” Clay added. “Take care of yourself. You’re working like the Compass Brothers are slave drivers.”
    Wasn’t Viho essentially an indentured servant? He shook his head at the terrible thought. The Comptons had treated him fairly. More than.
    “Besides, our little brothers are headed this way in a second and they’ll die if you disappear. Bryant and Austin have been rattling on non-stop about all the plant stuff you’ve been teaching them for survival training. I’ve heard about it every night at dinner this week.” Hope smiled at Viho.
    He’d have to be more careful what he shared with the boys. They were so eager to study, he’d let his guard down, sharing facts he’d learned from other members of his tribe who’d taken him under their wing when he’d had no one of his own to instruct him in their ways.
    Sure enough, two kids spirited across the main house’s manicured lawn, unintentionally tearing up some of the patches he’d put down to fill in bare spots.
    “Hey, guys! Don’t mess up Viho’s seeds.” Sterling looked to him and mouthed, Sorry.
    He shrugged, wondering what it would have been like to grow up carefree. “It’s not a problem.”
    Right behind them, Sam Compton approached more calmly, holding hands with his wife, Cindi. They too scolded the boys to be more careful. The only way this impromptu gathering could get any worse would be if Jake strolled up. Thankfully, he didn’t.
    Sam kissed his mother on the cheek, then turned toward the rest of them. “Hey, Viho. Could I ask you a favor?”
    “Of course, boss.” He prayed for anything to get him out of this situation, where he wanted to fit in too fucking much for comfort.
    “I know it’s not in your job description, but I promised Sterling I’d help her with some fixtures she’s moving into the expanded area of her shop.” He looked at his daughter then. “Sorry, but I have a meeting that just came up. I can’t do it today. And I know I’ve already put it off a few times.”
    “It’s okay, Dad. I can do it myself. More hands would have made the job quicker, that’s all.” She shrugged.
    “Don’t you dare lug those display cases around by yourself.” He pointed his finger at her and wagged it. “Last time you were limping for a week after pulling a stunt like that. Besides, your mom told me you haven’t been feeling so great this week.”
    Viho couldn’t stand the thought of Sterling hurting herself.
    “It’s no problem. I can help,” he blurted out.
    “Thanks.” Sam slapped him on the back as he headed toward the offices in the barn. “Tell Jake to mark you down for overtime.”
    “That’s not necessary.” He waved off the generosity. Sterling’s glare made it clear what she thought of his assistance, paid or otherwise.
    “Seriously, Dad, it’s not. I’m fine on my own!” She crossed her arms, yelling to be heard as Sam grew farther away.
    “Don’t be stubborn, Sterling. You get that from your mom, you know?” he shouted to her as he retreated. “Love you. Don’t take it out on Viho just ’cause you’re pissed at me.”
    “What’s his problem?” Jade asked as she hauled over a chair and plopped into it, her guy, Liam, standing behind her. Sienna showed up too, with her husband, Daniel. Viho hadn’t even seen her car roll into the lot.
    He had to get the hell out of there before any more of the Comptons swarmed around them. He looked at Sterling. “Come on, let’s do this.”
    “Are you sure one of you can’t help me reconfigure the shop instead of making me bug Viho?” Sterling practically begged her cousins and the guys who loved them.
    “Nope. Gotta wash my

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