The Geek Tycoon

Free The Geek Tycoon by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Book: The Geek Tycoon by Vicki Lewis Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson
ever after.
    As for fallout in the office, yeah, he was technically the boss and he was involved with an employee, but BMUS wasn’t a Fortune 500 company yet. He and the guys could work out a policy that would allow him to continue to see Charlotte without breaking any rules. She was the HR expert. She probably had some ideas on the subject. He’d broach the subject tonight.
    Feeling calmer than he had when he’d arrived, he made some calls and caught up on his emails. Because he’d left his door open he was able to hear what was going on in Charlotte’s office next door. He went on alert when he heard her low-pitched voice as she talked to someone, although he couldn’t tell whether it was in person or on the phone.
    He couldn’t make out what she was saying, either, but she sounded angry. Then four words came through loud and clear. Let go of me.
    He was out of his chair and at her door in seconds. The sight that greeted him turned his blood to ice. Blake had grabbed her wrist and backed her against the wall.
    With a roar he charged in and spun Blake around. His fist connected with Blake’s jaw and the guy went down. Tony stood over him, adrenaline pumping. “Touch her again and you die, sucker!”
    Charlotte put a restraining hand on his arm. “Be careful. His father’s –”
    “I don’t give a goddamn about his precious father! Pearson, you stepped over the line!”
    Blake scrambled out of reach. “Okay, Tony. Okay. I didn’t think you had a claim.”
    “Think again.” He dragged in air. “She’s with me. Got that?”
    “Yeah, sure.” Blake stumbled to his feet. “Should’ve warned me, man. She’s divorced. I figured –”
    “You figured wrong.”
    “I can see that, now. But last week you said –”
    “Things changed.” Gradually the red haze cleared from his brain. “Charlotte is off-limits.”
    Blake nodded. “Right.” He edged his way out of the office.
    “And so is every woman on my staff, asshole!”
    “’Got it.” Blake’s voice was faint as he retreated to his office. A door closed.
    Tony faced Charlotte. “Did he hurt you?”
    She shook her head. “But . . . you hit him. What if he quits? Or tells his dad?”
    “I’ll take that chance.”
    Her gaze flicked to the doorway. “You might want to explain that to your staff.”
    He turned to discover everyone except Blake clustered outside the office, eyes wide. “Hey, come on in. We have something to discuss.”
    Rylan shot him a quick grin as he followed the others in. “Bastard had it coming.”
    Tony took off his glasses and scrubbed a hand over his face. Then he settled his glasses in place and looked at the people standing in a loose semi-circle in front of them. He felt a responsibility to them, but he felt a greater one to himself and to Charlotte. “Two things. I hit Blake, which could have repercussions for the company. I don’t regret doing it but I may have put us all in jeopardy.”
    “Maybe,” Rylan said, “but I doubt it. I heard him on his phone last week bragging to his old man about how much everybody here loves him and how valuable he is to the team. I don’t think he’ll want his daddy to know you decked him for sexually harassing Charlotte.”
    “I hope you’re right, but if trouble comes, I’ll find a way to handle it that minimizes the impact.” He didn’t know how, yet, but he’d worry about that if and when he had to. “One more thing you need to know.” He paused and looked at Charlotte, who gave him a quick nod. “Charlotte and I are together, and –”
    “I knew it!” Dulcie jumped up and down, causing her blonde cap of curls to bounce.
    “I didn’t.” Rylan scratched the back of his head and turned to his brother. “How ’bout you?”
    Frazer shook his head. “Nope, but I’m happy for you guys. You make a good couple.”
    “Yeah, you do.” Miranda tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder and smiled at Tony. “And thanks for popping Blake, by the way. Does my heart

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