Rhuul's Flame

Free Rhuul's Flame by Nulli Para Ora

Book: Rhuul's Flame by Nulli Para Ora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nulli Para Ora
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
ground. “There are towels on that table over there and I can bring you some clothes too.”
    As she talked, she made the leaves grow bigger, higher, and more numerous, until they took over most of the large room. “There. That should be deep enough for you. I added a raised spot where you can lie back without resting on your wings.”
    He stared at the tub as if it wasn’t real, making her wonder if his wings weren’t the real reason he avoided baths.
    “If you pull this rope, water will flow inside. It’s fed by an underground spring, so feel free to fill it up. Call me when it’s full and I can heat the water for you.” She wanted him to be comfortable, but as he stood in silence for so long, she was uncertain. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. “So, uh, just yell if you need anything. I’ll be across the hall.”
    She turned to leave and was surprised when she felt the warmth of his hand as his fingers circled her wrist.
    He pulled her close, holding her gaze with eyes that shone with something she couldn’t place. “Thank you. Where I come from, kindness is rare.”
    Okay, that’s not what I was expecting. As she watched his face, there appeared to be a mixture of emotions happening all at once. He seemed to move between frustration, sadness, and happiness. His mouth flexed into something that was part smile, part grimace. “Where do you come from?”
    His features hardened in a flash, and he took a step back. “Karn.”
    “Isn’t that where the Eidon live? How did you end up there?” Rhuul certainly didn’t look like any Eidon she’d ever seen. He had wings for one thing, his skin wasn’t purple and scaly, and he didn’t have horns. The only feature that remotely resembled the Eidon was his bald head.
    “Yes, that’s right. I lived there because that was my father’s realm.” He spoke the word “father” through his teeth, as if it coated his tongue in filth.
    “Your father is Eidon? But you—”
    “I know. I’ve been reminded my entire life I’m not truly Eidon.” He released her wrist, moved to the tub, and pulled the rope. He peered over the edge of the leaves, watching the water rush in.
    “I wasn’t trying to offend you. It’s just that I’ve never seen an Eidon like you.”
    “That’s because my mother was Celestan.”
    “Celestan…” Suddenly his appearance began to make sense, but his existence was quite the enigma. “I never knew such a union was allowed.”
    “It isn’t.” His nostrils flared as he unbuckled his belt and dropped it on the floor. He undid the ties at his neck, sighing before pulling off his vest.
    From her vantage point, she could see the planes and lines of his muscular chest and abs. His back was just as developed, with brawny shoulders supporting his large wings. His leather pants sat low, giving her a view of the top of his firm backside. Her hands ached to touch him, to run her fingers up his spine, over his shoulders, down his chest, and to his waist, where she’d gladly yank his trousers down. Gods, take it easy! He’s a murderer, remember? “Your parents must be truly in love.”
    “I wouldn’t know.” He hadn’t turned away from the tub. His fingers moved seductively, pulling apart the ties at his hip.
    She pictured those fingers pulling at her clothes with urgency, searching her, kneading her flesh. Waves of liquid desire pooled deep inside her, making her light-headed. When he started pushing his pants down, she turned her back to him and held her breath for a few moments. “Um, what do you mean?”
    “I never met my mother. My grandfather had her killed not long after I was born.” His voice was empty, sobering her.
    “Why would he do that? Your father must have—”
    “My father stood there and let it happen. A mating between an Eidon and Celestan is not only forbidden, it’s unthinkable. I’m a taint to his bloodline.”
    She was about to turn to face him, but her mother called to her from down the hall. “I’ll be

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