Scent of a Mate

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Book: Scent of a Mate by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
hangout without back up.”
    “I had—”
    “Your human friends in the car do not count. Somehow Ellie’s conversation with one of them about you looking for answers on who the white wolf was, led her to discuss you being here.” He growled the words out. “Here. Alone. Defenseless.”
    “I’m fine. It wasn’t a big deal. And I’m hardly defenseless. I’ve taken self-defense classes, and I can kick ass.”
    “You don’t seem to understand all that could have gone wrong.” He lowered his face to inches from hers. “I could have lost you.”
    Her heart tripped in her chest. “But I’m fine.”
    “Any one of those shifters is ten times stronger than you, not to mention the other paranormals in there. They could have broken you with the flick of a wrist. My brother wasn’t there to offer his help. I wasn’t there.” His eyes glowed bright. He lifted a hand and slid a finger down the side of her face. Clearly it was his favorite move to make, not that she minded.
    “I’m fine,” she whispered.
    He held her entranced. His lips were so close. There was no willpower in her system when it came to him. The sound of the music inside the building heightened her awareness of her surroundings.
    “I have been giving you time to come to terms with who you are.”
    She huffed. There he went with the macho crap. “And who am I?”
    He slid the finger over her bottom lip. The way he slipped it back and forth, so softly and carefully, made her breath catch.
    “You still don’t understand.” His gray eyes flashed with the wolf power. “You own my heart. You're the most important person in my life.” Tenderness filled his gaze, followed by unquestionable determination. “And I won't let anyone hurt you. That includes you. I will do anything to protect you. Even if it means stopping you from putting yourself in harm's way.”
    He kissed her. Hard. There was no arguing with that kind of logic. After those words she couldn't even remember what the argument had been about.
    Soft rumbles sounded in his chest. The kiss turned wild. Tongues mated, hands groped, and bodies pressed tight. He pushed her back against the metal until she stood flush between his sexy muscles and the gate with nowhere to go.
    She ran her hands down his chest, to the waist of his jeans, and tugged his zipper down. His hard cock sprang forth. She wrapped her hand, well as much of her hand as she could, around the thick pulsing shaft.
    He snarled and lifted the hem of her dress.
    Arousal shot through her veins and pooled at her core. Material ripped and he slipped his fingers into her pussy.
    “Oh god.”
    “So wet.” He gripped her hair with one hand while fingering her pussy with the other.
    Waves of heat built inside her at warp speed. He sucked on her tongue and bit her lip. Her nipples ached. Her body grasped at his digits, sucking him deep. She continued stroking his cock. Beads of moisture dripped from his slit and ran down the sides. She used his own precum to lubricate and jerk his shaft.
    “Hang on,” he ordered.
    She lifted her hands behind her head and slipped her fingers into the open holes of the metal gate. He hauled her up by the waist. She wrapped her legs around his hips and welcomed his invasion. The head of his cock slipped into her in a deep penetrating drive.
    “So tight,” he growled into her neck.
    Electricity sparked between them, lighting embers of lust. He kissed her harsh, beating pulse, licking from her collarbone down to the valley of her breasts. The thin material of her dress stood in the way. He met her gaze and bit on the edge of the dress. She tried to swallow past the dryness in her throat. Jesus H. Christ. What was this man doing to her? His eyes glowed bright grey. Her pussy gripped at his cock while tension wound its way into a tight knot inside her. He tugged the material down until her breasts were bared to him.
    “Beautiful” He groaned before latching on to her nipple. Stars exploded

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