Scent of a Mate

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Book: Scent of a Mate by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
behind her lids. He continued to thrust into her body with a single-minded focus. With a nip and a suck, he moved on to her other nipple.
    “Oh dear God, do that again.”
    He rumbled over her chest, licking and lavishing her with sucks and bites. She whimpered. The sound of voices from the mouth of the alley only served to enhance her arousal. They could be found at any moment. His thrusts quickened.
    Her lungs struggled to get air in. He licked his way back to her mouth to brand her with his lips. An inferno built inside until she swore she was going to internally combust.
    “You feel so fucking tight. So perfect around my cock.”
    “God, that’s amazing.”
    “Tell me you like what I’m doing.”
    She groaned. “I love what you’re doing.”
    “And I love the tight, sleek feel of your pussy on my dick.”
    Tension grappled her muscles, her body, and her sex. She hung at the edge of a precipice, ready to fall.
    He grazed his teeth on her neck and bit down. Pleasure blasted through her in waves of bliss. Her channel constricted tight around his cock. He growled into her sweaty shoulder and came hard. His body held stiff while he pulsed and came inside her. They panted in unison, trying to steady their ragged breathing and crazy heartbeats. He kissed her again. This time there was no aggression, just tenderness.
    She slipped back on to her feet, swaying slightly from the wobble in her knees. He’d fucked her boneless. If that wasn’t some kind of gift she didn’t know what was. She fixed her dress and watched him warily. Sex between them should come with a warning along the lines of: Likely to make you get on your knees and thank your maker for his cock.
    He pulled her into his arms. “Don’t do that again.”
    His concern was new, nice, but unsettling. She needed to adjust to his possessive attitude. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I wanted to see if I could figure out who that wolf was.”
    A slash of fear dashed through his eyes. “You have to stay safe. For me.” And then he added softly. “Please.”
    She wasn’t heartless. The man was being caring and concerned. “I promise to stay safe.”
    She opened her mouth to speak, but he lifted a finger to stop her.
    “No more coming here unless you have backup of the shifter kind.”
    “Fine. Are you happy now?” She sure as hell wasn’t. She was sexually frustrated even after being fucked into stupidity. She wanted to take him home, tie him to her bed, and ride his cock like she was competing in a rodeo for best time.
    She was going to have to give up her search for the white wolf. Aric’s request mattered to her.
    “You’re important to me.” His quiet words dug deep into her heart, flooding her with a new kind of emotion she’d been afraid to let loose. Love.

Chapter Seven

    Aric led Jordan back to the main street where her friends were parked. He watched Emma and Nicole jump out of the car and embrace her in a group hug.
    “Thank God!”
    “We called Ellie, but she said Aric was already aware you were in there.” Emma glanced from Jordan to Aric. Jordan’s hair was a mess, her makeup had run with the heat of their mating, and she looked unsteady on her feet. Not to mention, she had red marks from his kisses all over her neck.
    “I’m fine.” She ran a hand over her hair. “I just want to go home.”
    “No.” She turned to him. A small smile played over her lips. “Aric will take me home.”
    She slipped her hand in his. The beast inside him calmed instantly. Jordan appeared ready to understand his need for her safety. Screw holding hands. He put his arm around her shoulders, hugging her to his side.
    “Are…you…sure?” Nicole stared wide-eyed from one to the other.
    After waving her friends away, he led her to his truck. Once inside, he watched her stare absently at the road.
    “There are things about me you should know,” she started after he got on the main street.
    The way she said

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