The Breed Casstiel's Vow

Free The Breed Casstiel's Vow by Alice K. Wayne

Book: The Breed Casstiel's Vow by Alice K. Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice K. Wayne
Everyone pulled up chairs to the same desk and looked around tensely for a
moment before Cass broke the silence.
“Alright we’ve reviewed the statement that you gave Sebastian explaining
everything. Now the night that your brother disappeared you weren’t living at
home with your parents?” he asked in a surprisingly soothing voice.
“Right, I was living on campus in a dorm,” she replied remembering for a split
second the complete hole in the wall she had been forced to share with a
“Ok so what made you want to come home? Did you have any weird feelings about
that night?” he continued.
“No not at all,” she shook her head and tried to remember every detail, “I
wasn’t supposed to come home until the weekend, but I ended up finishing my
essay two days early and handed it in. I didn’t really need to go to the last
class after that, so I decided to home a little early.”
“Ok so you drive home, why were your parents going out? Was it something they
had pre-planned, or just a spur of the moment thing?” he prompted.
“It was their anniversary, they always go out to the same restaurant,” Tessa
answered as small smile spread over her lips. She loved the sweet romance
between her parents.
“Ok. Now what was your brother up to that night?” he asked.
Her smile disappeared instantly.
“He was in a Fraternity and lived at the frat house,” she felt fear settle into
her bones. She didn’t want to talk about what happened next, but she knew she
had too.
“So you expected to have the house to yourself when you got home?” his voice
became light and soothing, something she would never have expected from him.
“So then what happened?” he prompted gently.
“I decided to grab a glass of water and raid the fridge before heading up to my
room,” her voice began to shake as she started explaining. She hadn’t talked
about the night of Quinn’s kidnapping in almost two years.
To everyone’s surprise Casstiel reached across the table and grabbed her hand.
For a second she jolted and almost pulled away, but when she looked into his
eyes a steady calmness fell over her and she relaxed into his touch.
Somehow it made it easier for her to open up and share this pain.
“I got the water from the sink and was looking out onto our property, when I
saw it. This thing ran across our backyard right against the line of trees. At
first I thought someone’s dog had gotten loose, but then I really looked at it
and it was too big to be a dog, and it couldn’t be a wolf,” Tessa was starting
to panic a little as the images of that night flooded her mind, but he gave her
hand a squeeze and kept her steady.
“I started to freak out, I mean what the hell was this
thing? Then I saw it slow down and I realized what it was running towards.
There were two more of those things, werewolves I guess, and they were circling
a body,” she explained in one breath, not bothering to pause as the feelings of
anxiety began biting at her.
Her heartbeat quickened as she ran through the scene in her mind as if she was
watching a movie.
    “I don’t know how I knew
it, but I knew it was Quinn. I could just feel it in my heart. His face was all
bruised and he was bleeding everywhere. Something in me just… snapped. I know
it’s stupid, but I grabbed a knife and ran to the back door. I just couldn’t
let them kill my brother, I had to do something.
“As soon as I stepped out on to the back steps one of them was waiting for me,
like they all had known I was there. It

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