Forgiving Nancy (Last Hangman MC Series Book 5)

Free Forgiving Nancy (Last Hangman MC Series Book 5) by Muriel Garcia

Book: Forgiving Nancy (Last Hangman MC Series Book 5) by Muriel Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Muriel Garcia
I’ll ever be able to forget the way she looked tonight. Her too short and barely there dress, the blood running down her legs, her tear stained cheeks, the look of horror on her face and the fact she was running away from something or someone, all made my blood run cold. I want to protect her, promise her that everything will be okay and tell her that she has nothing to worry about now. But the truth is that I’m not sure if I can protect her when I’m so involved in this. I want to know more than anything what’s happened to her, but truth is I’m scared of what I might find out. I shouldn’t be too worried about her wanting to go back to that life because she was running away from it, but I can’t help that doubt that keeps niggling away in my mind.
    Five years.
    Five long years and my feelings have never changed or wavered. I’m still very much in love with her despite the circumstances. I don’t know if she still feels anything for me, but I intend to find out soon. Let’s just hope she’ll open up to either me or Gabe.
    What the fuck happened to her four years ago? Could fate be the reason why she ran into me? Does she still want me or is it too late? Could it mean that we’re meant to be together?
    I drive to the cabin, it’s not mine, it’s just a useful place most of us have used at some point in our lives. Callum mentioned this place to me a while back and how he comes here when he needs to shut out the world. This is exactly what I need right now, although being along with my thoughts can be a dangerous thing.
    I park in front of the small cabin that Callum owns in the middle of the woods and take it all in. The sun is about to rise over the cabin, it looks breathtaking as light emanates from behind it. It’s not too far from civilization, but far away enough that I feel like I’m completely on my own, I need time away from everything and everyone.
    I round the cabin and sit on the back porch to watch the sun slowly rise over the lake. In moments like these, I’d love to have Nance in my arms with my chin resting on her shoulder, watching the sunrise together. Fucking hell , I’m a miserable fucker and a sappy little shit all in one.
    Hopefully one day we’ll be watching a sunset together. One day I’ll be able to hold her again.
    One day.


    Roughly twenty minutes later, we arrive at what I’m guessing is their compound and unlike the place I was held captive, it looks inviting and almost like a normal house.
    Gabe parks his bike next to another and gets off before helping me off. I don’t know what my face looks like, but the amused look he gives me makes me smile.
    “What?” I ask confused as to what I’ve done to make him laugh.
    “First bike ride?”
    “No. Bennett was my first.” I shake my head when I realize what I’ve just said.
    “First what?” He smirks, clearly amused by my discomfort.
    “Shut up.” I glare at him as I take off the helmet, I’m surprised at how easy it is to talk to this random person when I’ve known him for less than thirty minutes.
    “What? You’re the one who mentioned him being your first. You didn’t specify what first.” He shrugs and walks me over to the building.
    “Fair point. Where are we?” I ask as I take in my surroundings.
    “Our compound. Don’t worry, you’re perfectly safe here. You can take a nice, long shower whilst I find you some proper clothes, no doubt you need a good night of sleep.”
    “And a drink.” I sigh and rub my face.
    “That can be arranged.” He squeezes my shoulder and leads me inside with a few of the guys following behind us. I glance back and see they all have their eyes on me with a look of worry in their eyes.
    “Good.” I feel a bit overwhelmed and vulnerable. Once inside with the door closed behind me, a sense of relief washes over me. I take in my surroundings and see that there are a fair few beautiful women stood behind the bar, pouring drinks for the men and

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