The Diamond Club
the Globe’s Circus. The shame caused by being so sexually aroused while surrounded by stangers in this unusual surrounding only made me more turned on. Everywhere I looked there was some new sexual taboo I wanted to explore. The strong arms of the lion tamer made my lady bits moist with the thought of being tamed at the hands of a man who was so fearless in the face of such a large pussycat. A small car filled with dozens of clowns only managed to make me think of how many of these painted men, I could embrace in my own tiny vehicle. When I saw the amazing trapeze artists I imagined their strong embrace pleasing me while I floated in the air.
    These troubling thoughts plagued me throughout the entire show, but the more bothered I was the more turned on I became. I found my focus drifting between the huge arms of the Strong Man, the vibrating engines of the motorcycle riders in the sphere of death, the oversized pants of the clowns and the oversized packages contained within, and the contortionist who could surely show me some new and interesting positions. As the show continued I found myself more and more lost inside my own imagination, dreaming of the wonderful delights contained within the big tent.
I was so turned on that I was a sex crazed trance by the time the usher came by to tell me that the show had ended and the rest of the crowd had already exited the big top. The usher introduced himself and asked if I knew Roman Dyle. When I replied that I did, the usher immediately led me back to the circus trains. Once I arrived in the trainyard I was greated by the most sensual creature I had ever met. Matilda the Bearded lady oozed sex. She had all of the lovely curves of a beautiful woman, and the facial hair and masculinity of lumberjack. As I was lead back to Matilda’s train car I knew that I would experience the best mustache ride of my entire life.
    Matilda ushered me to the bed just as the train began to leave the station. I couldn’t concern myself with the fact that I was leaving on a journey of undetermined length when I knew the pleasure that would follow on this train filled with sexual delights.
    Matilda started by kissing me passionately and then proceeded to move further down south. The beard tickled it way down to my loins making me even more excited than I thought I could ever be. The combination of a man’s beard and the intimate knowledge of a woman brought me to climax faster than I ever thought could happen. Then I returned the favor realizing that while this woman had more than an average amount of hair above the waist, she had significantly less than average below the waist. After they both had pleased the other Matilda told me that I needed to try the pleasures that were contained in the other trains.
    The next car over contained Nick the Snake Man, who looked normal, except for the snake in his pants. It was the size of a python and he could control it’s every muscle, allowing it to slither inside of me. After feasting on the delights offer by Nick I moved to the next car and was greated by the Elephant Man. While he would only go by the Elephant Man, he had the good looks of Cary Grant, by was blessed by a third leg that he called his trunk and used it to repeatedly eat my peanuts. Barely able to stand let alone walk I entered the next car and was greated by a knife thrower who required me to trust him implicitly while he expertly thrust his daggers into my crevasse showing why he was an expert marksman. After that I stumbled into the last car and was greeted by a fire breather. Needless to say I’ve never met anyone who made my loins burn with passion as much as he did. He may have breathed fire, but he sure as hell was able to set my loins on fire with his expert mouth.
    When I could no longer even walk, the circus folks started to come to me. The dog boy rushed his way in, and immediately began to lap at my personal dog dish. Once he had his fill he collared me and asserted his alpha dog

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