Taming Megan

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Book: Taming Megan by Natasha Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Knight
money but didn’t deliver the goods.”
    “You got what you deserved and you know it. I could have called the police!”
    “And said what?” he asked, stepping toward her, forcing her to take one back. “That I tried to rape you? It’s hardly rape when you pay for it.”
    She clenched her teeth tight. She’d been so stupid, so fucking stupid. It had been once, exactly once. Josie had had this idea to make some money. Megan had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday. They’d both signed up for this escort agency. She had known what it meant even though she had tried to play it off as something else. She had turned down five calls before she finally said yes. She was scared to death that night. She still remembered that feeling in her stomach and it made her want to vomit even now. Josie had done it a few times. She had made $50 in tips each time! Back then, it was a lot of money and she had needed the money. Her parents were barely able to pay the rent and she was hungry. One stupid fucking night. She hadn’t even gone through with it. She hadn’t been able to do it. But still here she was, here he was. Her mistake, standing in the flesh, before her.
    “I’m guessing Jake doesn’t know about this part of your past, is that right Meggie?”
    She could only stare at him, understanding full well where he meant to go with this, what he wanted.
    “It was a mistake. I was a kid.”
    “You’re not a kid anymore, are you?” he said, his gaze slowly sliding along her body, making her want to heave. “Jake would be disappointed, huh?”
    Tears filled her eyes. “What do you want?” she asked, her voice tight.
    He grinned, showing all his teeth. “One night.”
    “There you are, dear,” Abigail said coming out of the living room.
    “You have five days to think about it,” Sean continued, ignoring the older woman.
    “I’d love some more coffee,” Abigail said. The older woman paused, then moved closer, once again tucking Megan’s arm inside hers and relieving her of the coffeepot she still held. “You shouldn’t monopolize the hostess, Sean. It’s impolite.” She pulled Megan along into the room and kept her at her side until Jake returned. But before Abigail let her go, she leaned in close to Megan’s ear. “Jake does think the world of you, you know. Gray wasn’t teasing. And I can see why.” The older woman smiled a smile that only made it that much harder to hold back her tears, but somehow she did it. Somehow she got through the party and said her goodbyes and somehow listened to Jake as he talked about the party, about how he thought it was a success. He was sure he had their votes, at least he was sure of most. Sean Connelly would be trouble, Jake said. Megan listened, trying to keep her thoughts from her face. And when he made love to her that night, she lay beneath him and, for the first time, went through the motions, feeling nothing at all, or trying not to because if she did, she would break down and if that happened, she would have to tell Jake the truth. That she’d whored herself out for money.
    He wouldn’t believe that she had never gone through with it. Why would he? He would know she was a liar and a whore. She came from trash and no matter how far you run or how long you hide, you can’t change what you’re made of.
    “Meg?” he asked when she pushed him off and ran into the bathroom.
    She barely made it to the toilet before she vomited the little bit she’d been able to eat that night.
    “Are you ok?” he asked when it was finally over.
    Megan sat back and took the wet towel he handed her, wiping her face. “Must be a bug. I’ve been feeling off the last few hours.”
    He helped her to her feet. “That’s why you’ve been acting strange,” he said. “You should have said something.”
    Unable to meet his eyes, she brushed her teeth and washed her face. He stayed with her and she could feel his eyes on her, his worried eyes. Guilt lay heavy in her belly. “It’s

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