A Magnificent Match

Free A Magnificent Match by Gayle Buck

Book: A Magnificent Match by Gayle Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gayle Buck
Tags: Regency Romance
turned with a smile to Prince Vladimir. “I also shall look forward to our dance, your highness.”
    Mollified, Prince Vladimir bowed. Before he stepped back, however, he turned a burning glance on the Englishman who was appropriating the object of his desires.
    As Lord George led Megan onto the floor, he remarked, “Puppy. I thought for a moment that the boy might actually bite me.”
    “Truthfully, I felt much like a juicy bone in contest,” admitted Megan.
    Lord George barked a laugh. “That is good, ‘pon my soul!”
    “The prince is actually quite well-meaning and sweet,” said Megan hastily.
    “I am quite sure of it. He wants a little sense, of course. You are a bit too sophisticated for such a youngster as that. Now I am a different matter altogether,” said Lord George, wiggling his brows meaningfully.
    Megan laughed and shook her head. “We have been down this path before, my lord. And my answer is still the same. We would not suit. Friends we have become and friends we shall remain!”
    Lord George heaved a tremendous sigh. “I am thrown down to the pit of despair. I am up to my neck in miry clay. I am a vessel cast adrift upon an unfriendly sea.”
    “My lord, how can this be? I have it on very good authority that you have formed a somewhat scandalous connection with a certain pretty widow,” said Megan. “Surely Madame Lanochet is not the French version of a fishwife!”
    “No, of course not! I say, where did you hear about—” Lord George broke off. He bent a reproving gaze on his partner. “Miss O’Connell, you have betrayed a knowledge that is quite beneath your notice. I am shocked, to say the least. Yes, and what’s more, I am piqued that you are laughing at me. I am utterly sincere in everything that I have said.”
    Megan laughed in earnest. Shaking her head, “Dear Lord George, if I were to believe half of the farragoes that have been whispered in my ears over these past months, I would have gained a reputation for being a goosecap. And justly, too.”
    “Yes, you have never lacked for admiration, have you?” Lord George regarded her amused expression speculatively. “One wonders what goes on in that head of yours, Miss O’Connell. I could swear that your heart is as vulnerable as any other lady’s, but you have not succumbed to any of our overtures.”
    “Not yet, in any event,” said Megan cheerfully. “I am having such a wonderful time, you see. I cannot conceive of bursting my bubble with a betrothal. Such a hindrance, don’t you think?”
    Lord George shouted with laughter. “Upon reflection, Miss O’Connell, I do not believe that I am the man to win you. There is a better man in the wings than my poor self, one who will know just how to handle the ribbons.”
    “So I should hope,” retorted Megan. “From what I have gathered, you made a poor showing for England last week in the sledding race.”
    “I am not used to a three-in-hand. Half-broken brutes and hard-mouthed to boot,” said Lord George, defending himself.
    “And there was the snow, too,” said Megan, twinkling up at him.
    Lord George nodded, very much on his dignity. “Besides, I have never driven over such slick ice in my life. Sleds are different from carriages, you know. They fly. I swear it! But I shall have my revenge in England. Both Count Juarasky and Don Sevilles y Perez have pledged themselves to me for the summer. I shall show them what it is to drive to an inch!”
    “I am sure of it, my lord. England’s honor must be upheld at all costs,” said Megan. “I trust that you are prepared to do so?”
    “With my life,” declared Lord George dramatically.
    There was much more such lighthearted nonsense until the set was over. Lord George escorted Megan back toward her chair. “There is a rumor that you will be returning to England in the spring,” he said abruptly.
    Megan looked up at him in surprise. “How did that get about?”
    Lord George shrugged. “Someone had it from Countess

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