Shelter for Elizabeth (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 5)

Free Shelter for Elizabeth (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 5) by Susan Stoker

Book: Shelter for Elizabeth (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 5) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
helping people. It’s what I do.”
    “It’s dangerous,” Beth observed.
    Cade shrugged. “Not really. I mean, yeah, there are times when a building is on fire and there’s a missing person we have to go in and rescue. But for the most part it’s more about the human side of things. Holding someone’s hand as they’re lying on the ground bleeding. Comforting a husband as his wife is having a seizure. I just like feeling what I do helps others in some small way.” Realizing his words might be making Beth feel bad, he quickly tried to lighten up the conversation. “So…what’s your favorite color?”
    “Your favorite color? We’ve talked a lot about heavy shit…how about if we get to the nitty-gritty. I don’t think I can date someone who favors the color black over everything else.”
    “I didn’t realize we were dating,” Beth said a bit snarkily.
    “Oh, we’re dating, sweetheart. You don’t think I get to the dugout with just any girl, do you?”
    “Get to the dugout? What are you talking about?”
    Cade chuckled. “Holding hands…the dugout. I tried to kiss you tonight, but you weren’t having it. So we aren’t at first base yet…we’re just in the dugout.”
    Beth rolled her eyes at Cade. He was hysterical, but she didn’t think egging him on was in her best interest. She steered the conversation back to her favorite color. “I’m tempted to say black just to throw you off, but I’d be lying. Blue. You?”
    “Blue. And I’m not just saying that to suck up to you. Food?”
    “Pasta. Preferably ramen noodles. I love those things.”
    “The cheap ones in the rectangle package? You know they’re bad for you, right?”
    “Don’t care. Being cheap is just an added bonus.”
    “Hummm, okay, pasta. I can live with that. I like a good steak.”
    “Medium rare?”
    Cade smiled, loving their banter. “Is there any other way to cook it?”
    “Nope. Okay, let’s see…music?”
    “Ugh, I knew there had to be something about you I didn’t like,” Beth told him, keeping a straight face.
    “Oh come on. I’d get kicked out of the state if I didn’t like country.” Cade gave her a pouty look.
    Beth laughed. “Oh good Lord, don’t give me that face. That was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. I’ll let you listen to country, but if you ever start listening to rap, I’ll have to break up with you.”
    “See? Even you admit we’re dating. You can’t break up with me if we aren’t dating in the first place.”
    Beth rolled her eyes at him again. “And if ‘Call Me Maybe’ comes on, it’s imperative that it gets turned up as loud as it can go so I can lip-sync to it.”
    “Have you seen that video—”
    “The one of the soldiers in Iraq imitating the cheerleaders who lip-synched it?”
    “Oh my God, yes. It’s one of my favorites. I have it bookmarked. Sometimes I slip it into code for assholes so it pops up when they least expect it on their computers.”
    Cade laughed until his sides hurt. “You don’t!”
    “I do. It’s either that or the song from Frozen .” She put a hand on her heart and dramatically threw her head back, singing, “Let it gooooooooooo.”
    They giggled together, imagining the look on someone’s face as the song popped up on their computer in the middle of a porn video or something else, utterly unexpected.
    “You crack me up, Beth.”
    She smiled over at the man sitting on her couch. It was hard to believe she just met him a week ago. She’d heard Penelope talking about her brother in the past, but never expected to have this…connection with him, or any man. It was as if she’d known him for years rather than only days.
    “You want to stay for dinner?” The words popped out before Beth could call them back.
    “Yes.” Cade’s answer was immediate and heartfelt.
    “I figure it’s the least I can do after today.”
    “No. Today has nothing to do with it. You don’t owe me anything. Ask me

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