Hunted, The Complete Edition: A Full-length Steamy Vampire Romance (New England Nightwalkers)

Free Hunted, The Complete Edition: A Full-length Steamy Vampire Romance (New England Nightwalkers) by Chloe Cole

Book: Hunted, The Complete Edition: A Full-length Steamy Vampire Romance (New England Nightwalkers) by Chloe Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Cole
he demanded, before reaching out to press a hand to the center of her spine, directing her.
    She trembled at his touch and groaned as he trailed his fingertip down, down to her bottom.
    It was only then, when she dropped her head low, that she saw what was in his hand. Fear came hard and swift.
    “What are you going to do with that?” she asked before she could stop herself.
    He pulled away and shook his head, but didn’t respond. Instead, he circled her, walking around the perimeter of the bed, his gaze burning her alive. Her legs had started to tremble and she was on the verge of weeping, but couldn’t say why.
    Then his hands were on her, stroking her hair, trailing around her waist and then up to tease her breasts. White-hot lust hit her right between the thighs and she cried out. He plucked her stiff nipples in turn until she writhed and groaned, all the while sliding the slippery silken fabric over her skin.
    “Close your eyes,” he muttered.
    She did as she was told, but couldn’t deny the rush of fear. When he slipped the necktie over her eyes, she flinched, panic making her heart pound against her ribs.
    She was going to hate this. She hated the dark, and—
    Gabriel’s voice was guttural, thick with need, and for some reason, just hearing it centered her.
    It would be all right. Gabriel would make it all right.
    She moistened her dry lips and choked out a response.
    “Yes, Sir?”
    His sharp intake of breath reverberated through the room. Still, he didn’t touch her.
    “Sink lower onto your thighs,” he said, his tone clipped and firm. “And arch your back.”
    Her stomach did a free-fall and she resisted the very real temptation to collapse onto her belly and curl into a ball. She was strong. She could do this.
    She sank lower into the position he wanted and gasped when he laid a warm hand on her lower back.
    “Good. That’s beautiful.”
    Her pulse went into overdrive as his words washed over her. His praise sent a gush of heat between her thighs and she desperately wished she could tear off the blindfold and look into his eyes, but the feeling was short-lived because then, his hands were on her again. Tracing the contour of her hips, sliding over her ass and squeezing, slipping between her thighs.
    She moaned as his fingers dipped into her slick folds.
    “Ah, love, this pleases me more than I can say.”
    The huskiness of his voice was a reward of its own because she could hear the want there. The need that echoed her own.
    “Yes, god, yes. Gabriel, can you—”
    “No speaking, Zara.”
    She tried to listen to what he was saying, but he was doing the most sublime things with his index finger.
    “Focus, Zara. You are to speak only when spoken to. Is that understood?”
    She nodded helplessly, grinding her hips backward to urge him deeper, to get him to slide his finger all the way into her aching sex.
    “I need a verbal when I ask a question. Do you understand?”
    “Yes,” she muttered.
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “That’s ten, love.” His voice was almost hypnotic now, and she let it wash over her like a balm as he spoke. “Five for the interruption and five because you forgot to call me Sir.”
    It took a second for his meaning to sink in, and when it did, she froze. Instinctual terror shot through her followed by a wave of nerves so acute, her thigh muscles began quiver. But she couldn’t deny, beneath it all, there was a sense of anticipation. A thick, hot, urgency that settled low in her belly at the thought of his punishment.
    “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. She nearly cried out when he took his hand away but she managed to hold it in. There was the sound of shuffling feet behind her, and then more noise she couldn’t identify—the rumple of clothes? A strange patter.
    “Posture,” he reminded her softly, his voice close, as if he was right behind her.
    She adjusted her body and tensed, waiting for what would happen next.
    “Cry out if you

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