REAPER (Boston Underworld Book 2)

Free REAPER (Boston Underworld Book 2) by A. Zavarelli

Book: REAPER (Boston Underworld Book 2) by A. Zavarelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Zavarelli
option. Kill or be killed. I always do the killing.
    And then they leave them with me. Sometimes for days. The rats come out. And the bugs. And the smell. But that isn’t even the worst of it. It’s the sound I don’t like. The ones I always hear.
    The speakers come on, and I cover my ears before it begins. But it makes no difference. I still hear it anyway.
    The screaming. An endless soundtrack of wailing. Tortured sobs. Crying babies. My heart is beating too hard. Too fast. It’s going to explode. And then it turns to ringing.
    I wake to the sound of my phone and something wet against my cheek. When I open my eyes, I’m met with big brown ones. The dog I still haven’t worked out what to do with.
    “What are ye after?” I grunt.
    She head-butts my cheek and then barks. I shove it away and reach for my phone, only to have it barge in from the other side. She wiggles her arse and hops back and forth before flopping onto her back and flashing her belly at me.
    The phone rings again and I groan as I bring it to my ear.
    “Fitzy,” Crow chirps from the other end of the line. “Did I wake ye?”
    “You did.”
    The dog barks again and I try to quiet her.
    “What the hell is that?” Crow asks.
    “It’s a bleeding dog,” I tell him. “What does it sound like?”
    “When did you get a dog?”
    “Did ye have a reason for this call?” I grumble. “Or did ye just ring to give me an inquisition?”
    “Open your front door,” is his reply.
    The line goes dead and I tug on a pair of track pants and a tee shirt. The dog follows me to the door and starts to have a go at Crow when he steps inside.
    “What sort of dog is that?” he tilts his head to the side to examine her. “Is there something wrong with its wee legs?”
    “Conor thinks it’s a Corgi,” I tell him. “Google said their legs are supposed to be wee. I looked it up.”
    “What the hell are ye doing with it?” he asks.
    “It was at Donny’s flat.”
    “So ye decided to keep it? Do you even know what to do with a bloody dog?”
    “I haven’t a clue,” I admit. “That’s why Conor feeds it.”
    “Well it looks like it’s hungry now,” Crow points out.
    “Is that why she’s carrying on like that?”
    He shrugs. “What the hell do I know about dogs?”
    I walk to the kitchen and grab the bag of dog food off the counter, scanning the label on the back. “It doesn’t say how much to give her.”
    “Ah Jaysus, Fitz.” Crow laughs. “I don’t know how ye manage to keep yourself alive let alone a bloody animal.”
    He grabs the bag and fills the dish on the floor and then makes himself comfortable at my kitchen table. I don’t have much in the way of furniture, but it serves a purpose. I mainly only use the place to sleep if I’m lucky. Though I’ve been spending most of the last couple of months on Crow’s sofa while I watched over Mack.
    “I spoke to Niall this morning,” Crow says, getting straight down to business. He knows I’ve got no patience for small talk.
    “Aye, and what did he say?”
    “I reckon we came up with a solution for this whole mess. One that will get me out of hot water and save Mack from his wrath.”
    I’m not fond of the tone of his voice. I’ve known Crow long enough to know when he wants something from me. And I’ve already worked out that this is one of those times. He got himself into this hot water by allowing Mack into the club. I told him the girl was up to no good from the get go. And now his promotion within the syndicate is at risk.
    “You should throw her to the wolves, far as I’m concerned,” I tell him.
    “You don’t mean that.” Crow stares at me in disappointment. He isn’t the only one. I’m used to disappointing others. But I hate it when they look at me like that. “You can understand why she did what she did.”
    He has a point, but I don’t let onto it. She put him in danger. She put all of us in danger with her lies. I have no time for

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