Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves)

Free Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves) by Nancy Corrigan

Book: Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves) by Nancy Corrigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Corrigan
why I acted on my instincts that first night. We were just too damn young and stubborn to let our guards down and figure it out.”
    She crossed her arms. “So you’re worried I’m too naïve to comprehend what Ethan is to me. That maybe I’m imaging his interest in me?”
    He raised a brow. “This has nothing to do with you understanding anything. It’s obvious you feel a connection to him. I’m more concerned about why Ethan has been stringing you along.”
    “He can’t mate me until I mature.”
    Sean grabbed his mug from the table and leaned back, never breaking her gaze. “True, but what’s keeping him out of your bed?”
    She raised her chin. “Have you ever considered he’d like our mating to be special?”
    “Maybe.” He drained the last of his coffee. “Or is it guilt?”
    “Why would he be guilty?”
    “Michael Tanner hasn’t made a move against our pack, despite Nic killing his son.” Sean set his cup down. “In fact, he hasn’t even jumped on the bandwagon with some of the other pack alphas who claim Nic and Riley aren’t really mated. He hasn’t said anything about our pack, actually. Why do you think that is?”
    “I don’t know.” But she’d wondered the same thing.
    “Could it be he wants Ethan to mate you, then take Nic out?”
    She rolled her eyes. “You’re reading into things. Ethan is a gentleman. That’s why he hasn’t been in my bed. He wants to get to know me as a person first. It’s why we’ve been dating.”
    “Then why doesn’t anyone know he’s seeing you? I’ve asked Noah. He said Ethan doesn’t want a mate, never had. In fact, the only females he’ll touch are the ones he pays for.”
    Hookers. That was what Sean implied. Hannah fisted her hands and fought her jealousy. She refused to let it take hold. What Ethan had done before her was none of her business. It was what he’d done since meeting her that mattered, and the only person she’d ask about that was Ethan.
    “Look, Sean, I am done discussing my—”
    Her cell phone beeped, indicating a new text. Her pulse kicked up. She pivoted so Sean wouldn’t see her excitement or her disappointment if the message wasn’t from Ethan. Or if he brushes me off.
    His face showed on her screen. With her heart in her throat, she swiped her finger over the surface and read.
    I need you too. Can’t wait any longer. Come to my house tonight. Nine o’clock. Park in the garage and plan to spend the night.
    She read the text again and grinned. His short, choppy response wasn’t like him, but she didn’t mind knowing she’d finally pushed him to the edge. And tonight I’ll break his control.
    She glanced over her shoulder. “Take Ethan up on his offer to help protect Riley. As far as his involvement with me, stay out of it. Okay?”
    He sighed. “Hannah, I’ve heard Ethan only pays for sex because females are too much effort. I don’t want you to feel neglected or unloved if he does end up mating you.”
    Too much effort? No, she didn’t believe it. He spent hours talking to her. No sex involved. He wouldn’t sit and listen to her if he didn’t care to spend time with her.
    She glared at Sean. “Our mated life will be a good one. Don’t worry yourself over it.”
    “And if you’re wrong, and he doesn’t mate you?”
    “I told you to stop chasing after me, that I didn’t want the same thing as you. You wouldn’t listen, would you? Dammit, Hannah, you can’t tell anyone what we did last night. You’ll look like a naïve fool, and I’ll come off as an asshole.” Alex’s words repeated in her head, reminding her of the last time she’d chased after the wrong male.
    She tightened her grip on her phone. “Then he’s a fool.”
    Because she refused to be made into one. Not ever again.

Chapter Seven
    Ethan’s phone rang. The specialized ringtone he’d selected for Noah filled the car. His heart raced. He resisted the urge to answer and tightened his grip on the wheel, letting the call go to

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